heart About Me wheeHi!!
I am a female who likes colourful, happy things!
Pink is my favourite colour but, I do like other colours~
I'm currently obsessed with pastel pink and pastel blue = pale bubblegum scheme!~ heart heart (Please...someone create more items ...BUT ...they gotta be the right shade. None of this pastel pink+ grey thing stare )
I love dressing up my avi and creating different characters. I wouldn't call them OCs, but I feel that each has their personality smile .
ATM, I have a base I really like so, I will keep building on her. (Those armmods and legmods! whee )
I think my current avi fits my username, "Laedt". I made it up. How do I pronounce it?...I'm not so sure! xd "Let"? "Ley-d"? "Ley-t"? "LATE"??!.. eek I am always late....HMMM..... xd
Let's go with... "Let." HAHAHA
Anyway, Happy Gaia-ing 3nodding
P.S. Someone get me off Gaia!! eek
P.P.S. BANGTAN (BTS) FOREVERRRRR!!!! heart heart ARMY!~~ heart + GOT7 3nodding heart
P.P.P.S. I ...have too many items on my wishlist. Please ignore xd I just like to collect things - Thank God only online right? Savin' dah real moneh ~
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never stop bein the best u can be i believe in u
gaia_angelleft thank you! you are an amazing person who gives wonderful compliments smile gaia_angelright
omg no no, you're fine
I love talking to people about isekai manwhas/mangas
OMGGG, i LOVE IT TOO and yes, it is based on princess athy crying
Have you read the latest update, chapter 75?
omggg, thank you qt
you are too, i love your amaranth avatar