Lady Xavia

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Last Login: 09/28/2012 1:13 pm

Registered: 07/20/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Sweden

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Diary of a Lady


Who am I?

I'm not so active on Gaia anymore. School is taking a lot of my time and there are some other stuff too. But I drop in now and then to update myself on things that's happened and such...

Livet är en dröm - som ingen skugga känner.
Livet är en dröm - av smärta och sorg.
Det är en dröm och nu - ber vi att få vakna.
Det är en dröm och nu - vaknar vi och går.
Vem kan väl sova - när gryningen väntar?
Vem kan väl sova - när vinden blåser ljuv?
En dröm måste sluta - när den nya dagen kommer.
Ur denna dröm - skall vi vakna och gå.

Life is a dream - that no shadow knows.
Life is a dream - of pain and sorrow.
It is a dream and now - we ask to get awake.
It is a dream and now - we wake up and go.
Who can sleep well - when the dawn awaits?
Who can sleep well - when the wind blows sweet?
A dream must end - when the new day comes.
From this dream - we shall wake up and go.

Salig är den själ som sonar det brott som inte begåtts.
Blessed is the soul that atones the crime that was never made.

Anna Sippela 1675,
Häxavrättningarna Stockholm

Himlens väv är vidsträckt men finmaskig.
Tenmou kaikai so ni shite morasazu.

Lao Tsu

I'm 18 years old.
Lives in Sweden.
Likes manga and anime.
Loves chocolate.
Dislikes dogs.
Hates yellow clothing.

I'm one of those mostly quiet girls who ratherly works on with her own stuff than gossips with her friends during class.

I'm the responsible type. If I say I'll do something, then I'll do it. I guess you can say that I'm trustworthy.

I don't like other people coming in and commenting on how I live my life. Trust me, I'm well aware of the consequences of my choices. But that's my problem, not anyone else's. If I want advice I'll ask for it. As simple is that.

Sometimes my attitude towards certain things in life can make people believe that I don't care about things. But I probably do, just not as much as you want me to.

Words can lie, as can the reflection in a mirror.

Make love, not war.

I don't care if I'm not loved back,
I still want to love someone,

Someone,from the bottom of my heart...

Straightforward, unwavering...

It seems like such a simple thing,
so then why...

Must it be so incredibly hard?

You listen, but you do not hear. So, so far away you are. Or is it me, that is no longer close? Is it I who have grown apart?

Live your life throughly - have no regrets.

Avi Art by Me:
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Avril Lavigne - Alone


View All Comments

The Demon Cat From Sweden Report | 01/20/2018 3:43 am
The Demon Cat From Sweden
hi.. :]
Creeper-Tan Report | 06/01/2013 10:00 am
I'm stalking the brocoli friend!
Antonio Report | 08/16/2011 10:50 am
990k for Compass
De4D Report | 03/06/2011 1:13 pm
They have new stuffs now o3o 3nodding
Enchanted Puppet Report | 03/05/2011 11:32 am
Enchanted Puppet
Hahahaha xD Har du? >w< Så sent o:
Vi har skola D8
Vulgar Scum Report | 03/04/2011 2:27 pm
Vulgar Scum
D'aww I missed you as well. <3
I missed talking to you! I love my Gaia buddies c:
Well, I'm a sophmore nows.
And thanks ^^
Hows it been?
Vulgar Scum Report | 02/18/2011 3:49 pm
Vulgar Scum
Hey this is Hikari-san13. c;
De4D Report | 01/29/2011 10:00 pm
Moshimoshi! biggrin
Enchanted Puppet Report | 01/04/2011 12:35 pm
Enchanted Puppet
Är det fortfarande jullov? xD trodde det var höstlov 8D
xl Porcelain Doll lx Report | 01/04/2011 8:13 am
xl Porcelain Doll lx
.. hahah >8D


Live throughly - have no regrets

Enchanted Puppet