Alright so, here I go!
My age is 21 if a lot of you didn't know that.
My gender, as far as I can tell, is a female!
I have been here on Gaia for over four-three years even though this account says I have only been here for two.
I am currently keeping up a semi-literate status, mostly because I have now become brain pooped and I use to pull a literate level.
My main RP genres are Yaoi, Fantasy, Realistic, & POKEMON!!!
That is all! Thank you! c:
Sometimes life catches up to you
There are only a few reasons to live.... they are one of them
A short story about a 17 year old girl who grows to a woman in just nine months. She has twins by a werewolf father, but thank goodness that her children were spared of the disease. But all is not close to finish when she decides to cut her ties with
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