rofl 4laughI draw for gold and items, I am not too picky so shoot me with a pm and we can talk about What you want drawn.
I am also willing to draw for real world cash Pm me for prices.
Pm me if you want to do something in zOMG together. I can help with any quests and am always down to farm dms!
Do not request to be my friend if all you are going to do is beg for item/gold or flirt with me. I am just not here for that.
I will not role-play randomly in my pms. If you send a pm starting a role-play and we have not talked about boundaries beforehand I will immediately block you. This is due to creeps who message me starting a role play only to try to rp flirtatiously which is also considered cybering. Which is against the TOS.
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Happy Birthday biggrin
I dont chat much here so my acc might be a bit boring but I always reply ( if I dont get a moment of goldfish memory and forget lol )