Well, It was inactivity. If you read the announcement we sent and the numerous posts in the guild; you would have learned that it was wasn't when you last posted, it was if you had posted 20 or more times. This system was designed 3 weeks before we initially started the banning process to give new members some time to get 20 posts. So, you may have posted 2 days ago, but you needed 20 posts or higher. You can re-enter and have another shot at it with nothing against you.
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you think you love me too?
imma go to sleep
i hope i dream of yew (;
but, it took mum 10 mins.
..and he's really good at it >=D
>_> er, i would but i aint got no money,
and if i did, yew wouldn't have time for meh. )=
your babii said "Hi!...i can tie my shoes!"
*licks blood from lip*
so you have aids i hear >_>
*cuts arm, Just do it!*