I'm me.
Plain and simple.

My name is Lacey. But I go by Taylor - my middle name. Either name will do, but I prefer Taylor. Why? Because then I can actually have a nickname that doesn't sound like a material on lingerie.
I'm thirteen years old, and I live in Arizona.
I'm mature for my age.. I guess you could say. I don't talk very much, and don't ask me why.
It's really weird - and kinda awesome - but I get along better with people that are 16+ years old than people my age. I don't know why. I guess the people that I live with every day are just idiots. *shrug* whatever. Well, mostly I think that I just get along with people over the internet way better than people I go to school with.
I love writing, but it takes me a while to actually think of something to write. And then it takes me even longer to figure out how to start. Once I start, though, I'll never stop unless I need to eat or do something else like that. And then once I get back, I somehow have this major writer's block. So then I decide that's the end of what I wrote.
My birthday is July Ninth.
I despise all physical activity.
