- Justice is blind, but she’s not deaf. Sometimes you have to know when not to talk.
- The true measure of a man is in the amount of work he does. That’s what I always say.
- Always chase a riddle down to the end. That’s one of my rules.
- Anger is the last refuge of the pathetic. Preparation is the last refuge of the weak.
- The weak get washed away by the tides of fate...The strong drink it up.
- The world is filled with those who have said, "I wish I had never asked that.
- A bet’s only good when your life’s the ante.
- We are all but travelers on a road of infinite points.
- The hammer that strikes too fast has no time to aim.
- A single drop of milk is all it takes to destroy the pure black magic in the cup!
- The world, you see, keeps turning, and we must turn with it.
- Don't let the mysteries of yesterday mystify you today.
- The bitterness... Every time I get lied to, I always down a mug of coffee.
- It is impossible to predict what the future has in store for any of us. This is precisely why people feel the need to judge the past. And we of the court have been charged with the solemn duty of passing such judgment
- There is only one thing that remains constant in this crazy world... The bitter darkness that lies at the bottom of this mug.
- People are like books. We’ve all got a front and a back. You get my drift?
- Once you eliminate the impossible... whatever remains must be the truth. No matter how improbable it may seem.
- Add the pureness of milk to the perfect, clear darkness of coffee. Stir. Thats the state of the witness's mind right now - a cup of cafe au lait
- Hot nights and even hotter coffee... That’s what I always say.
- Humans are afraid of the dark. And yet... At the same time, we’re fascinated and bewitched by it. Maybe that’s why humans drink the darkness that is coffee.
- The only time a lawyer can cry is when it’s all over.
- I'm good 'til the last drop.
- Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than Hell itself... That is coffee
- The true measure of a man is in the amount of work he does. That’s what I always say.
- Always chase a riddle down to the end. That’s one of my rules.
- Anger is the last refuge of the pathetic. Preparation is the last refuge of the weak.
- The weak get washed away by the tides of fate...The strong drink it up.
- The world is filled with those who have said, "I wish I had never asked that.
- A bet’s only good when your life’s the ante.
- We are all but travelers on a road of infinite points.
- The hammer that strikes too fast has no time to aim.
- A single drop of milk is all it takes to destroy the pure black magic in the cup!
- The world, you see, keeps turning, and we must turn with it.
- Don't let the mysteries of yesterday mystify you today.
- The bitterness... Every time I get lied to, I always down a mug of coffee.
- It is impossible to predict what the future has in store for any of us. This is precisely why people feel the need to judge the past. And we of the court have been charged with the solemn duty of passing such judgment
- There is only one thing that remains constant in this crazy world... The bitter darkness that lies at the bottom of this mug.
- People are like books. We’ve all got a front and a back. You get my drift?
- Once you eliminate the impossible... whatever remains must be the truth. No matter how improbable it may seem.
- Add the pureness of milk to the perfect, clear darkness of coffee. Stir. Thats the state of the witness's mind right now - a cup of cafe au lait
- Hot nights and even hotter coffee... That’s what I always say.
- Humans are afraid of the dark. And yet... At the same time, we’re fascinated and bewitched by it. Maybe that’s why humans drink the darkness that is coffee.
- The only time a lawyer can cry is when it’s all over.
- I'm good 'til the last drop.
- Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than Hell itself... That is coffee