
Quote-Godchild. (( I changed it up to suit me with all the Cain and Riff parts gone because those aren't describing me. : P I <33 Godchild, such moving words :'D.))

"I know not whether this is the right thing to do. But. . . at that time I heard a voice. Reflecting back on the "incident", I can no longer remember whether I used my strength as a person to hear it or whether I heard actual words. But I know for certain, that I received something more and that "feeling". The sight that I saw on that day, was neither that of dependancy and of course it was not about love. I shall most likely never be able to forget the sight of something so eternal. It was to dreamlike. But I still cannot believe it. Because after all there is no longer any need to be in pain from searching for something.
I bid you all adieu.~"