About Me =]
Heylos...do ya'll want some useless infromation about me? well here ya go...Name: Kylie Lynne
Birthday: 10/04/94
Age: 15
I am:
Things I like:
~friends =D (CASH and DAVID)
~pon and zi!!! (they are so cute!)
~people who are themselves and dont copy others =D
Things I dislike:
~people who lie D=
~knives, guns (stuff like that)
~when people bully other people (It's just plain out mean and wrong! D:<)
~When people pretend to be something they're not
~taking pictures! D=
There is a lot of other things that I like and dislike, but I didn't want to name all of them.
If there is anything you want to ask me, don't hesitate to.
Kylie Lynne
leave a comment =D and
email me at cleverbotme@yahoo.com to talk more
cleverbot is actually a rip off... email me and i will tell you why.
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Orgasm. ♥
I'm Awesome, What have u been up 2 latelyy?
haha i kinda forgot my password and everything soo, yeah
So how hae u been?
today suck it the first day of school sadface