About me... AND DON'T ASK FOR MORE!!!
Alright, decided to rewrite this thing!Overall
Name: Pedro.
Nicknames: Kuro, Phblood, Peu, Baiano... You choose it.
Country: Brazil.
Age: 18
First Language: Portuguese
Other Languages: English, a little of Japanese, doing German class.
Music: Heavy Metal, Death Metal... Most kinds of metal and rock.
Bands: Iron Maiden, Dethklok, Massacration
Sport: Ninjutsu, Boxing and swimming
Activity: Playing guitar, Role Playing, Playing PC
Games: Prototype, Neverwinter Nights 2, Medal of Honor: Airborne, Dead Space
TV Shows: Monsterquest, Mythbusters, Metalocalypse
Guitar Model: Flying V, Les Paul, Xplorer, SG
Curse: OH s**t!!! or ********!! Nota para brasileiros: Porra nao eh xingamento. No Baianes, Porra pode ser qualquer coisa: Artigo, pronome, substantivo, agente da passiva, verbo transitivo direto e indireto...
Music: Emo, Disney Channel bands... Most Pop
People: Racists, Xenophobic,
FAD: Twilight, Emocore, those crappy boy-bands...
First thing you people will read in this updated part of my profile. I am a furry. Yeah, bite me, but I like to play with furries. No, I will not try to convince you into becoming a furry. But I'll enjoy if you are one as well, or respect my preference.
Then... I LOVE to Roleplay. Blame S.I.N. guild, but they've gotten me started in Roleplay (God... That was like... Two or three years ago?) But yeah, I'm a roleplayer, and hell, I love it. Although... Because of evolution on it, I'm a bit... Picky about my partners. I like when they can give me a good amount of lines to work from, a good post. And I also prize for good grammar, and all that. I might not be a native English speaker, but I try my best, that's for sure.
For those curious to know why I've been away from Gaia for so long... Here's the cause: Arden Kahza. This dingo here is my fursona, and that site, F-List, is what have been providing me entretainment for a few months... Yes, Arden is my main character, and I would LOVE to play with him somewhere here.
I don't bite! So... Come on, drop me a PM and let's talk!
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Best regards; Ano
Hahaha hope you dont forget about me or else!!!! Lol
hope ur doing well smile
And to answer your earlier question I've been good :3