
I am a big fan of the anime Naruto. Though I really haven't read the mangas, I'm not too worried. I think the american dub is a-ok and people who complain can't see that if these people didn't do the voices, they might've still had to download the subs off the internet. I can honestly say that two of my favorite characters are Gaara, Neji, and Itachi.

There isn't much more I can say about myself at the moment.

Then I realized I couldn't count for a bowl of beans. That's three characters. Anywho I'd like to add Rock Lee and Might Guy so that would add it up to five favorite characters in Naruto.

I'm interested in a few other anime series as well. I started watching Saiyuki again and started watching the beginnings of Mythical Detective Loki, awesome take on Norse Mythology by the way.

That's all I can think of to say right now so enjoy the profile!