My Life . . .
here i'll write about my life , suituations i live , feelings i feel and many other things ..
Last Login: 09/10/2009 4:11 am
Registered: 01/29/2008
Gender: Female
Location: Kuwait
Birthday: 06/25
here i'll write about my life , suituations i live , feelings i feel and many other things ..
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Just a friendly reminder to please check out the guild. I've been gone from the guild for a while, and i've returned to it practically a ghost guild with absolutely no action. Slowly but surely i've seen one or two people post but I'd love to see much more than that! Alhamdulillah im back, and ready to continue to get this guild going!!
I've added a couple new things that you should really take a look at. Along with the new subforum and other things, i've started a BUMP contest with a 50k prize! So far i've only got one person playing so hurry on in to play and get a chance to earn that gold!
I give out random prizes (expensive item prizes!!!) to active members at random times!!! BUT you must be an active member to earn those prizes...
Hope to see you more active (insha'allah)!!!
-Amani (guild owner)