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Style: A quality of imagination and individuality expressed in one's actions and tastes

Hey there

Let's start with the basics...

I like to go by Kuna~
My real name's Donnabelle, and yes, I hate my name :/
It's two first names put together lol I'm Filipino

I don't understand myself quite much, have a one-track mind, and sometimes I'm uncomfortable in my own skin

I'm easy to get along with...a bit out there...but I'm sure you'll appreciate it =]

Currently very addicted to zOMG xDD
I'm usually on CaurionFluff || AirFluff || or FlyingGiftbox so feel free to whisper to me if you want to crew! >W<


DeviantArt Gallery
Sketch/WIP Blog

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Link to my Bribe Art Shop =]

To-do List
Couple - Ink Kanz *
Group waist - Akimoto
Auction winner - lexu kun *
Auction winner - Sosiqui
Art Bribe - B R A I N

From Shop
T w i s t e d Pandah

RL Commissions
Luminescens waist
Allariele X2 FB


Fan Art to-do List
Ashitaka, Haku, Howl
Prince Diamond
Miyazaki bishies xD

Aug 28 - The List (shop list applying)
VampireDraculina headshot freebs
OC for New Black's auction freebie

Future Art Trades
Eddie Eddie Eddie
Kiru Kano


Viewing 12 of 72 friends


Kuna's Stuffs



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/01/2013 2:31 am


I miss you! :'< heart
BlackRavaen IV

Report | 02/25/2012 5:33 pm

BlackRavaen IV

Just stopped by to say that you are REALLY good at drawing guy art! ^_^
Aoi Kanda

Report | 07/09/2011 9:53 am

Aoi Kanda


Report | 04/29/2011 12:28 pm



Report | 03/11/2011 8:46 pm


I stumbled upon your name by seeing someone who bought art from you and put it in their sig, and I must say...

Lady, you are AWESOME.

Just thought you'd like to know. heart

Report | 02/22/2011 11:16 am


I § ħ ø j ї


TwT miss you na bunso

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Report | 01/20/2011 1:15 pm


I would know! Im always sick! rofl I hate it! But I have a very terrible immunity system! emo
And dont worry my love! xd I totally understand <333 You take your time! whee

I know! Im so very excited as well! whee
And, you totally should! I need to see who is in for sure now and everything so we can start setting up or at least getting a good idea of what we are doing! rofl

zomg has summon pets now?! gonk Where have i been all this time?! I feel left out!

And, yeah... Its a really long story. I will PM you what happened.

Report | 01/12/2011 11:07 pm


Im all better now my love! Dont worry! whee And, sorry i took so long to reply to your comment! D: Ive been really busy and lazy as of late! crying

And, yay! Im so happy to hear that<333 Ive only just begun asking my friends, but so far it seems promising! whee lets just keep our fingers crossed!
And, im glad she thinks it is a good idea for no AB <3 I am more than excited! mrgreen
As for freebies, if anyone is willing to do them, then sure! Go for it. But i know i will be far too busy to myself. Were you or C3NTRIC interested in giving any out???

LOL heart We need to play together again sometime now that i have a better computer! ;D <3333
` Cash

Report | 01/07/2011 9:01 pm

` Cash

      How are you doing? = D

      Its been awhile, I disappeared off the face of Gaia. <3 I just wanted to check up on you.

Report | 01/05/2011 11:53 pm


Im hoping for February and do you think a month is too long?


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WIP Blog
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Sig art by Usa-mero heart