
The name's Kreiss. Noel Kreiss.
"A young man wielding two unique blades who appears before Serah. Although straightforward and cheerful, no one knows much about his past, or how he stumbled across Serah in her time of distress."

User Image[名前]Name: Noel Kreiss - ノエル・クライス
[年齢]Age: Eighteen - 18歳
[武器]Weapon: Flame Fossil - 炎の化石
[高さ]Height: 6'1" - (185センチ)
[左右差]Laterality: Ambidextrous - 両手利きの
[ホーム]Home: Dying World —700 AF—

"You think you're everyone's protector—everyone's hero—but who do you save, really? Do you even realize how useless you are!? Do you realize what you do to the people you're supposed to protect!?"
xoxoxo—Noel to Snow

[OoC: Hi. Let's keep it simple, so just call me Noel. I'm really friendly as long as I'm not dragged into Gaiabullshittery. ♥ ]

Serah Starseeker
Kreiss NoeI

*Breaks Serah's hand*

*Anime tears* T_T