
krawpsy's avatar

Birthday: 06/15/1997


for Playstation 2
By: Blackthunder01

Version 1.0
Welcome to my Bratz Forever Diamondz walkthrough. The point of this walk-
through is to be precise and to the point with what you need to do to finish
the game. I don't plan to fill this walkthrough with useless jokes and
information, so I hope this is of some use to you. I made it for GameFAQs,
IGN and Bratz Fanz to use since I wrote a walkthrough for Bratz Rock Angelz for
them as well. If you had trouble following my last walkthrough, you're out of
luck. The gameplay is so similar this time around that I'll even be using the
same model for my walkthrough.
A --------Game Basics
A.1 --------Characters
A.2 --------Button Controls
A.3 --------Items
B --------Walkthrough
B.1 --------Tutorial - Mascot Madness!
B.2 --------Round 1 - Halloween Costume Party!
B.3 --------Round 2 - Florida Flair!
B.4 --------Round 3 - New York, New Fashions!
C --------Side Quests
C.1 --------Character Coins
C.2 --------Mini-Games
C.3 --------Movies and Artwork
C.4 --------Cheat Computer Passwords
D --------Multi-player Mode
E --------FAQ Credits and Game Copyrights

A.1 Characters

Yasmin - our heroine. Also known as "Pretty Princess."

Jade - our heroine. Also known as "Kool Kat."

Sasha - our heroine. Also known as "Bunny Boo."

Cloe - our heroine. Also known as "Angel."

Mandy Pickett - the lucky contest winner who will run the walkway with the
Bratz ...?

Sharidan - a hot up and coming fashion designer that needs some help from
the Bratz.

Burdine Maxwell - the big bad guy and owner of "Your Thing Magazine." Ever
since Bratz out sold her magazine, she's had it out for

Tweevils: Kaycee and Kirstee - twin evil sisters who work for Burdine and help
her in her plans to destroy the Bratz. The
bandage on Kaycee's nose is the remains of a
nose job gone wrong.

Kristy Baker - the unlucky contest winner who will run the walkway for
Burdine. Also known as the missing "Threevil".

Byron Powell - Nightclub Owner, Secret Agent and host of the competition for
this game. Not to mention over all nice guy. (-_o)G.E.

Fianna, Kumi, Phoebe, Roxxi, Katia, Siernna, Vinessa - the Bratz girls' best

Cameron, Koby, Eitan, Dylan, Cade, Bryce - the friends and potential crushes
of the Bratz and their girl-

Mucci Fiari - top fashion designer and the guy who you're trying to impress
with your fashion sense.

A.2 Button Controls

Up, Down, Left, Right - Scrolls through items in the item screens

Left Analog (L3) - Moves character

Right Analog (R3) - Moves the camera view

Square [] - Zooms in with the camera phone/ moves faster on roller blades

Circle o - Brings out camera phone/ breaks for roller blades

X Button - Accept/ take picture

Triangle - Cancel/ brings out cell phone

R1 - Puts on roller blades

R2 - Straightens camera view to where your character is facing

L1 - not used

L2 - Switches through the music

Start - Pauses game

**TIP** pressing "X" will cause you to skip cut scenes.

A.3 Items

1. Blingz Tokens - used as money to buy clothes, shoes, and accessories.

2. Clothes/shoes/etc. - different outfits can be bought to change the look of
your character. At some points of the game this will be
a requirement.

3. Haircuts - at certain points in the game you will be able to purchase new
haircuts for your girls that are accessible at locations marked
with floating scissors.

4. Make-Up - at certain points in the game you will be able to purchase new
make-up and decals for you girls to wear. You can change your
make-up at locations marked with a floating lip stick.

5. Roller Blades - Unlike the previous game, you already come with these.
They will help you to travel faster than normal and
participate in mini-games.

6. Bratz Tokens - there are 25 of these tokens per character for a total of
100 hidden through out the game. You can then exchange the
tokens for concept art and movies at points in the game.

7. Treatz - these are snacks that you feed your pet for good behavior.
Feeding your pet treats can only improve your relationship with
them. Home made treats make your pets find things faster and keep
them happier longer.

B. Walk Through
B.1 ~~Tutorial - Mascot Madness!~~

B.1.a Go Meet Jade
When the games starts, press TRIANGLE to pick up your phone. Read the
message from Jade and reply to her. As your about to exit the phone Cloe
gives you an explaination of the "Planner" and "Locate" feature. Now
Follow the arrow to "Thrills N Frills" and switch to Jade.

**NOTE** If you have any trouble in the game, you can go to the "Planner",
find the name of your mission, and look up help here. I use the
mission names to make helping you easier.

B.1.b Feelin' Pretty!
Head to the back of the store and buy a top and/or bottom from the
"Feelin' Pretty" rack.

B.1.c Go meet Sasha
Leave the store. Once you leave, you have to put on your skates. Press
R1 to put them on and hold "[]" to go faster. Now head around the
corner to the left and go through the doors all the way at the end.
Then head to "Rock Out". If you have trouble finding it, enter the mall
and use the "Locate" feature on your phone. Now find and switch to

B.1.d Buy Music
Head to the corner and buy a track for your phone. You can listen to
music during the game by turning the feature on on the phone now.

B.1.e Adopt A Pet!
Now leave the store and head to the outdoor mall you started at. Find
and go to "Meow & Ruff". It's where the theatre used to be in Bratz Rock
Angelz. Head to the counter and adopt a pet. There are 9 cast and 9
dogs to choose from; both boys and girls. The only difference is in
their wardrobe. But remember, once you choose a pet, there's no going

B.1.f Meet Yasmine
Look around the store if you want to but when you're done, leave for the
outside. Head in a straight line, diagonally to the left. You'll notice
your pet will follow you.

B.1.g Pet Treatz
Turn around, head into the corner and enter "Treatz". Use "Locate" if
you need to. The point of this game is to mix 3 items into a yummy treat
for your pet. First, try any 3 and press "TRY". If you got it first
time congrats! If not, then your try appears to the right. How many
stars you have next to your try tells you how many correct items you
chose. If you can git it in 5 turns you win 125 Blingz and 10 Treatz.
If not then you only get 'some' Blingz and 3 Treatz.
Now that you have a treat, give one to your pet.

**Note** Making treats at a store will keep your pet happier longer than if
you bought them at Meow & Ruff. You pet will also find items faster
with home made treats.

B.1.h Return to Office
Open your phone and go to "Home".

B.2 ~~Round 1 - Halloween Costume Party!~~
Okay, for much of the game this is home base. Well, here and the Tour Bus, but
this is what you have access too at the moment. From here you can Save your
game, change Clothes, enter Cheat Codes, select Assignments, and switch
Characters. Later in the game, you'll be able to all these things from the
Tour Bus as well as access new locations. When you're ready, take Yasmin to
the computers to access her assignment.

B.2.a Good Pix Guide
Press "O" to take out your camera. Take a picture of anything then zoom
in 5 times. Now put your camera away and head outside to the mall. The
Smoothie Bar is right by the Mall enterance. When you're there, take
the camera out and find an angle so that the camera dot turns pink. If
your dot is white, walk to another spot and try a different angle. Take
the picture then head into the mall. Take a picture of the fountain then
exit to the right. This is the Plaza. Take a picture of the art piece
out here. Now head back to the office and switch to Sasha.

B.2.b Movie Magic
Head to the computer to activate this mission. Head to the mall outside.
Now follow your pet! When your pet stops, pick up the ticket and feed
them a treat. Follow this pattern until you've picked up 3 tickets.
When you're done, head back to the office or stop by "Treatz" to get
more goodies for your pet.

B.2.c Photo Booth Fashion
Switch to Jade and go to the computer to start. Now head outside to
Dynamic Design; first shop on the right using the "Mall" exit from the
lobby. Now head up the steps to the table with the shirt spinning over
it. Design a shirt however you like using the tools and tabs provided.
Now head to the indoor Mall and the Photo Booth behind the fountain.
You'll now play a posing gmae where you'll have to press the buttons to
the left 'kind of' fast to pose for your shots. Find a picture you want
to keep and you're done. Head back to the office and switch to Cloe.

B.2.d Makin' It Up
Activate this mission and head outside to City Looks; first shop on your
left using the "Mall" exit from the lobby. Head to the back and go to
the table with the Lipstick floating over it and follow the directions
Cloe tells you. Now DON'T head back to the office yet.

B.2.e Skate Race Challenge
Find and talk to Cameron to activate the mission. From now on, everyone
with a purple Icon over their head has a mission for you. You've got to
race against the clock to collect flags. Remember "[]" is to go fast and
"O" is brake. After the race you can now do this mission whenever you
want for extra money by going to the checkered flag.

B.2.f Stylesville Pet Show
Find Dylan next and start the mission. Now head to "Meow & Ruff" and
sign up at the trophy case to the left of the desk. You'll play a pet
posing game just like before except this time you have to do 3 sets of 3
poses in a time limit. Don't panic and you'll do fine. When you're done
talk to Dylan and you'll be able to play when you want to for fast money.

B.2.g Smoothie A Go-Go!
Go to Eitan at the Smoothie Bar to activate this mission. Put on your
skates again and deliver smoothies to the person in the box to the left
before the time limit runs out. Once you finish the mission you can do
it whenever you like for extra cash.

B.2.h High School Bargains!
Find Fianna in the Mall to activate this mission. Now head outside to
Thrills With Frills and buy 2 things out of the new bins in the front of
the store. Wear them back to Fianna to finish the mission.

B.2.i Picture Promo
Find Koby up the stairs of the Mall for this mission. You have 8 fliers
to hand out. Give one each to Phoebe and Fianna in the Mall. Now head
to the Plaza and give one to Katia and Roxxi. Next head into the Lobby
where the Tweevils are and give them one each. Lastly head outside and
give the last 2 to Cameron and Dylan.

B.2.j Phoebe's Pet Favor
Talk to Phoebe to activate this mission. You need to get Pet Shampoo,
Nail Clippers, and a Grooming Brush from various people around town.
First stop ... Roxxi! Talk to her to get your first item. Next, talk to
Katia. Now head to the Lobby and talk to Kirstee twice. Lastly talk to
Kaycee twice to get your last item. Then go back to Phoebe when you're

**Note** After talking to Kirstee, walk away from both of the girls until the
"TALK TO KIRSTEE" box goes away. Other wise you will be standing
infront of Kaycee but the box will say "TALK TO KIRSTEE" and you won't
be able to talk to her.

B.2.k Tropical Gym
Talk to Roxxi to activate this mission. Just like Koby's mission, talk
to everyone and pass out fliers. See Katia in the Plaza, the Tweevils in
the Lobby, Cameron and Dylan outside, and finally Fianna, Koby, and
Phoebe in the Mall. This mission also opens up the Gym for you to play
mini-games in.

B.2.l Photo Journal Stylesville!
Head to Picture This in the Plaza and activate the mission at the
computer in it's lobby. You have to take pictures of 4 different typse
of flowers. These were a pain to find so I hope this helps you:

1. Daffodil - in the triangular box outside of Gemz 'N' Jewelz.
2. Gladioli - a large green leafly plant in the first right hand box of
flowers, on the middle path, leading from the bridge to the
Smoothie Bar.
3. Sunflower - with your back to the door to the Mall and facing the
Smoothie Bar; first flower box to the right.
4. Chrysanthemum - first flower box on the left, facing the Bridge with
your back to the Smoothie Bar. A purple flower.

B.2.m Stylesville Show Poster
When you're ready, head to the office and answer your phone. Now head
to Dynamic Design outside. Go upstairs to back corner to design a
poster. Then head outside to put them up all over the city. You have
to put up 8 posters in 2:30. The locations to put the posters are marked
with floating speach bubbles. Strap your skates on and go.

Spot #1 - right in front of you as you leave the store.
Spot #2 - to the right of Meow & Ruff's front door.
Spot #3 - to the left of the Mall enterance by the Smoothie Bar.
Spot #4 - right when you enter the Mall from the Smoothie Bar.
Spot #5 - outside Rock Out in the middle of the walkway in the Mall.
Spot #6 - to the left of the enterance to the Limelight in the Plaza.
Spot #7 - by Roxxi and the Tropical Gym.
Spot #8 - by the Plaza's enterance to the Lobby.

B.2.n Stylesville Show Sponsor
Now head to Gemz 'N' Jewelz outside and buy a necklace in the "Passion 4
Fashion" line.

B.2.o Stylesville Show Preppin'
Now head to Limelight in the Plaza.

B.2.p Stylesville Fashion Show
Head to the door with the person over it. Now choose 2 girls to be in
the show with Mandy. Next dress them all in "Costume Party" clothes.
Ready? Now you'll play another posing game. After you complete the first
3 moves, Byron will ask you to perform a "Too Chic" move. A button will
appear to the left; quickly enter it and another will appear next to it.
Quickly enter that too for the last button to appear. After you've
entered the last button you will strike a "Too Chic" pose. You're being
timed to do the "Too Chic" pose but don't worry if you miss it. It's not
important to continue.
Two girls will run the walkway then you will switch over to being a
photographer. As the photographer you should take pictures when YOU
think you've got a good shot. There is no indicator telling you when to
snap a shot so do it when you feel you've got a great one. At one point
of snapping pictures, Byron will tell you to switch to Camera #2; press
"O" to do this. After Mandy walks back to the other end of the runway,
Byron will tell Camera #1 to look out. Press "O" again to switch back to
your original position.

Congratulations you've finished your first magazine and Round 1!

B.3 ~~Round 2 - Florida Flair!~~

B.3.a Pretty Princess Posing!
Switch to Yasmin and activate this mission at the computer. Now head to
Dynamic Design outside and make a new shirt. Now head to the second
floor of Picture This in the Plaza. You'll play a posing game now. When
you're done, go back to the office and switch to Sasha.

B.3.b Ice Cool!
Activate Sasha's mission at the computer and head to the lobby. You have
9 fliers to pass out so give 2 to the Tweevils then go outside. Give one
each to Koby and Katia. Head to the Mall and give one to Phoebe, Fianna,
and Cameron. Lastly head to the Plaza and give the last 2 fliers to
Roxxi and Dylan. When you hand out the last flier, answer your phone and
head to the Ice Rink at the end of the Plaza. Here you can ice skate;
which is just like roller blading. You can perform 2 moves on the ice by
pressing "X" or "TRIANGLE", but remember that you need some speed to do
them. When you're done head back outside, check your phone messages and
go to the office.

B.3.c Fresh Pet Fashions!
Switch to Jade and activate the mission at the computer. Now head to
Meow & Ruff and dress your pet in diamond clothes, hats, and collars.
When you're done head back to the office and switch to Cloe.

**Note** Diamonte and Diamond Studded clothes don't count for this mission.

B.3.d Belle of the Ball!
Activate the mission at the computer and head outside to Strut It! to
buy a "Princess" top and bottom. After you buy your "Princess" top and
bottom, head over to Strutin' Styles for your "Princess" shoes. Once
you've got your shoes, head to the photo booth inside the Mall for a
posing picture. When you're done, DO NOT head back to the office.

B.3.e Birthday Party Bargains!
Talk to Phoebe in the Mall to activate this mission, then head to Funky
Fashion to buy a Bargain Bin outfit. Buy a top, bottom, and shoes and
wear them back to Phoebe.

B.3.f Fianna's Diary Favor!
Talk to Fianna at the top of the stairs in the Mall to activate this
mission. You have 1 minute to chase down and collect all 10 pages of
her diary for her.

B.3.g Pairs!
Talk to Cameron in the Mall to activate this mission. Now head over to
Sweet Tooth outside to play a matching game. The object of the game is
to flip over 2 cards with the same picture on it. You can only see 2
cards at a time so try to remember which cards are where. Each wrong
guess counts as a try, but a correct guess doesn't. When you're done,
go back and tell Cameron how you did.

B.3.h Gossip Giverz!
Hit the Plaza and talk to Roxxi to start this mission. You have to get
9 gossip tips. First tip ... Dylan! Next head to the Lobby and talk to
Kirstee then Kaycee. Go outside and talk to Koby, Katia, and Eitan at
the Smootie Bar. Lastly go to the Mall and talk to Phoebe, Fianna, and
Cameron. When you're done head back to Roxxi at the Plaza.

B.3.i Work It Out!
Talk to Dylan in the Plaza to activate this mission. Head to the
Tropical Gym in the Plaza to play a group posing game. Basically it's
just a regular posing game; you don't have to worry about your timing
with the other girls ... just the time bar. After the mission, you can
play this game anytime you want for Blingz by going to the gym.

B.3.j Koby's Hunt!
Talk to Koby outside by the Bridge to start this mission. Follow your
pet to collect all of Koby's things. Don't forget to give your pet a
treat after it finds something. I had to find 4 items.

B.3.k Skating Showdown!
Talk to Katia outside then find Dylan in the Plaza. Strap on your skates
and try to collect all 8 Flags in 4 minutes. ONLY FLAGS WITH PURPLE
ICONS OVER THEM CAN BE PICKED UP. So they have to be grabbed in a
certain order; which is:

Flag #1 - right in front of you as you start.
Flag #2 - in front of the door from the Plaza to the Mall.
Flag #3 - at the bottom of the steps in the Mall.
Flag #4 - by the giant spinning cell phone in the Mall.
Flag #5 - by the Bridge outside on the side closest to the Office.
Flag #6 - on the opposite side of the Bridge outside.
Flag #7 - in the Mall on the path opposite to Rock Out as you head to the
Flag #8 - in front of Picture It in the Plaza.

Now go back to Katia and brag about your win!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIME YOU WILL BE HERE. THERE IS NO GOING BACK.

B.3.l Travel to Florida!
When you're ready, head back to the office and then to the lobby. Next
head through the coor labled "Parking Lot". Enter the tour bus and go
up the ramp to the arrow at the end that says "GO TO FLORIDA". Enjoy
the scene and step off the bus to talk to the girl there.

B.3.m Florida Fashions!
Head to SweatHeartz and buy a Sweet Dreamz top, bottom, and shoes. Then
wear them back to Sharidan.

B.3.n Trailin' Kaycee!
Head outside and down to the beach. You'll notice a bar that appears on
the top of the screen. The object here is to keep the blue marker in the
green parts of the bar by staying close, but not TOO close, to Kaycee.
She'll make 5 stops total. Follow that Tweevil!

B.3.o Find the Keys!
Follow your pet until it finds your bus keys. Don't forget to feed it a
treat after each find. It took me 6 stops to get the keys.

B.3.p Florida Photo Journal!
Head back to the bus. Right as you get in it, turn right to where the
spinning camera is. You can activate this mission at the computer there.
You have to take pictures of 5 locations around Florida.

1. Space Shuttle - stand with your back to the Parking Lot and look above
the Photo Booth.
2. Candy Cabana - the hut on the beach.
3. Light House - stand left of the Candy Cabana with your back to the
beach and look above Chocco-Latte.
4. The A-List Venue - at the top of the ramp farthest from the Parking
5. Sand Castle - on the beach to the right of the A-List Venue.

B.3.q Florida Show Poster!
Head on the bus and design a poster at the top of the ramp. Now head
outside and you have 2:30 to put up 5 posters. Their locations are:

Poster #1 - to the left as you leave the Parking Lot
Poster #2 - outside SweetHeartz
Poster #3 - on the beach to the right of the ramp by the Parking Lot
Poster #4 - on the beach next to the Sand Castle
Poster #5 - on the beach to the right of the ramp by the A-List Venue

**Note** If you can't put up Poster #2 because Kumi is there, continue with the
other posters and wait for her to walk away. When she moves, return
to put the poster up.

B.3.r Florida Show Sponsor
Head to SweetHeartz and buy a Sweet Dreamz necklace and earrings.

B.3.s Florida Pet Show
Talk to Kumi to activate this mission then head to Kutie & Kuddly. Go to
the back left of the store to enter the contest. This is just like the
one you entered before. When you're done the contest, go tell Kumi how
you did.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finish everything you want to do in Florida because
***VERY IMPORTANT NOTE*** - this is the last time you'll see it. Don't forget
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to find those character coins.

B.3.t Florida Show Preppin'
When you're ready, head to the A-List Venue.

B.3.u The Florida Fashion Show
Head to the door with the icon of a girl to start the show. Dress all of
the girls in "Genie Magic" clothes for the show. This show plays exactly
like the one the last one. Refer to mission B.2.p if you need help with
this mission.

B.4 ~~Round 3 - New York, New Fashions!
Here it is, the final level. Don't pull any punches and enjoy the beautiful
winter enviroment.

B.4.a New York Photo Journal!
Find the spinning camera to the right of the door as if you were going to
leave the bus. Activate this mission here. You have to take pictures of
6 things. They are:

1. The Glitz - head to "The Center" and turn left. It's the store right
in front of you now.
2. New York Xmas Tree - to the right of The Glitz.
3. The Center Fountain - stand at the top of the steps as if you were
going to the ice rink. Now look across the rink
to the waterfall fountain on the other side.
4. Couture Chic - stand with your back to the Central Park enterance.
Couture Chic is right in front of you now.
5. Central Park Fountain - the fountain in the middle of Central Park.
6. Snow Man - in Central Park on the left as you enter. The game will
only let you shoot him from a certain angle; which is so
that you're facing him with the door way to The Avenue
behind him (his left side).

B.4.b Showbiz Snapping!
Activate this mission to the left of the door on the bus with Yasmin.
Now hit the streets and snap pictures of:

1. Drama Mama (The Center) - to the right of Massimos Pizzazz
2. Kitties (The Center) - on the exact opposite side of the ice rink as
Drama Mama
3. Boyz N Galz (The Center) - to the right as you enter the area; to the
right of Oscars
4. Drama Mama (The Avenue) - as you leave the Parking Lot this picture is
directly to your left. You can't shoot it
from the front; it has to be on an angle
like from the lamp post or Parking Lot doors
5. Kitties (The Avenue) - directly across from Drama Mama
6. Siernna (The Avenue) - to the left of Ella Bella

B.4.c Burdine's Make-up Mess
Talk to Kaycee on the Avenue to start this mission. Follow your pet just
like past games. If your pet gets stuck at a bench and can't move, then
leave the area and return. You'll be fine. It took me 7 stops for this

B.4.d Cade's Card Crisis
Talk to Cade on the Avenue to activate this mission. Now head to the Ice
Rink in the Center. You have 2:00 to collect 10 pieces of paper while
on ice skates. Good Luck! When you're finished, go talk to Cade.

**Note** It's easier to grab the paper if you DON'T hold the "[]" button.

B.4.e That Bling Holiday Thing!
Talk to Bryce in the Center to activate this mission. Now head up the
steps and to the left and take a picture of the necklace Siernna is
wearing. Now head to Couture Chic on the Avenue and take a picture of
the sales girl. Next, head to Central Park and take Vinessa's picture.
Finally head back to Bryce.

B.4.f Kaycee's Secret
Talk to Kirstee to activate this mission. Then head to the Avenue and
follow Kaycee like you did in mission B.3.n! When she gets to Central
Park, walk around to the other side of the fountain and take 3 pictures
of her talking to her contact. Head back to her sister with the photos
when you're done.

B.4.g Hot Pet Fashions!
Talk to Siernna in the Center to activate this mission. Now head to
Wags 2 Whiskers and buy a holiday shirt, collar, and hat for your pet.
Then wear them back to Siernna.

B.4.h New York Ice Rink Race!
Head to the checkered flag by the enterance to start this race. Then
enter the rink and follow the arrows to hit all the check points as fast
as you can.

B.4.i Big Apple Skating!
To activate this mission, tak Cloe to the assignment computer on the bus.
Head to the ice rink in the Center. Once on the ice you have 6:35 to
grab 10 flags by following the arrows.

B.4.j New York Pet Show!
Take Sasha to the assignment computer to activate this mission, then head
to Wags 2 Whiskers on the Avenue. Sign up for the show to the left of
the counter. This is another competition like the last pet shows.

B.4.k Season's Greetings!
Take Jade to the assignment computer to activate this mission. Then head
up the ramp and design a holiday card. Now pass the cards out to Vinessa
in Central Park, Kaycee and Cade on the Avenue, and Kirstee, Siernna, and
Bryce in the Center.

B.4.l "Missing" Posters
Head back to the bus to activate this mission. Now head up the ramp and
make a poster. Head outside. You have 2:30 to put up 6 posters. The
locations are:

Spot #1 - in Central Park to the right
Spot #2 - to the right of the Central Park doors on the Avenue
Spot #3 - to the right of Ella Bella on the Avenue
Spot #4 - to the right when you enter the Center
Spot #5 - to the right of Oscars in the Center
Spot #6 - to the right of the tree in the Center

B.4.m Find Sharidan!
Head back to the office and answer the phone. Head to Central Park and
follow your pet. It took me 9 stops.

B.4.n Rescue Sharidan!
Head back to the bus and put on the Tweevil clothes (dress and shoes),
then head to Ella Bella to buy Tweevil hair. Head back to the Glitz
Hotel. You now have to sneak to the tall dresser closest to Burdine
without waking her by stepping on the papers on the floor.

B.4.o New York Show Poster!
Now head up the ramp and design a poster for the show! You have 2:30
to put up 6 posters in the same places you put the "Missing" posters.

B.4.p New York Sponsored Item
Head back to the bus and check your phone. Now head to Couture Chic on
the Avenue and buy a Couture necklace, errings and glasses.

B.4.q New York Show Preppin'
Head to the Deco Dance Club on the Avenue.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before starting the next mission, do everything you
***VERY IMPORTANT NOTE*** - want to. This is the last mission of the game.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You might want to see the side missions section.

B.4.r The New York Show!
Enter the door with the icon of the girl when you're ready. Dress all
the girls in "Diamondz Collection" clothes. This is the last show so
knock'em out! It's played just like the previous fashion shows.

C. Side Quests
C.1 Character Coins
Here are the locations of all the character coins. You can spend them at
the movie theaters in the Mall and the Avenue in New York and at the Art
stores in the Mall and the Center in New York. Some coins can only be
picked up in certain chapters.

1. in the Office (Round 1)
2. left of Cakewalk (Round 1)
3. left of stairs in the Mall (Round 1)
4. right of Limelight (Round 1)
5. in the Lobby
6. outside in City Looks
7. outside in Style Eyes!
8. outside in Meow & Ruff
9. outside in Hats Off!
10. in the Mall in Rockin Ringers
11. in the Mall in Rock Out
12. outside on the bridge (Round 2)
13. outside in Thrills with Frills (Round 2)
14. in the Mall, outside of Cool Cutz (Round 2)
15. in the Plaza in the Tropical Gym (Round 2)
16. in the Plaza in Picture This! (Round 2)
17. in the Parking Lot of Stylesville
18. in Florida in Karma
19. in Florida on the Beach
20. in Florida in Kutie & Kuddlie
21. in the Parking of New York
22. in New York next to the Photo Booth in the Center
23. in New York in Ella Bella
24. in New York in Wags 2 Whiskers
25. in New York in Central Park

1. in the Office (Round 2)
2. in the Lobby
3. outside in Dynamic Design (Round 2)
4. outside in City Looks
5. outside in Style Eyes
6. outside of Thrills with Frills (Round 2)
7. outside in Jemz 'N' Jewels
8. outside in Hats Off!
9. outside in Strut It! (Round 2)
10. in the Mall in Rockin Ringers
11. in the Mall in Accessoreezz
12. in the Mall in Kiss 'N' Make-up
13. in the Plaza outside of Limelight (Round 2)
14. in the Plaza in Picture This!
15. in Florida on the Beach
16. in Florida in Kutie & Kuddly
17. in Florida in SweetHeartz
18. in New York in the Parking Lot
19. in New York next to the Photo Booth in the Center
20. in New York in Couture Chic
21. in New York in Central Park
22. in New York in the Ice Rink
23. outside by the table at the Smoothie bar near Hats Off! (Round 1)
24. in the Mall by the Fountain near Rock Out (Round 1)
25. ??? I haven't found this last one just yet but I'm working on it.

1. in the office
2. in the lobby (Round 2)
3. outside in Dynamic Design (Round 2)
4. outside in City Looks
5. outside in Meow & Ruff
6. outside to the right of Meow & Ruff (Round 2)
7. outside in Gemz 'N' Jewelz
8. outside in Hats Off!
9. outside in Strut It! (Round 2)
10. in the Mall in Rockin Ringers
11. in the Mall in Accessoreezz
12. in the Mall outside of Rock Out (Round 2)
13. in the Mall in Kiss 'N' Make-up
14. in the Plaza in Picture This! (Round 2)
15. in Florida on the beach
16. in Florida in Kutie & Kuddly
17. in Florida in SweetHeartz
18. in New York past the tree on the left in the Center
19. in New York in Couture Chic
20. in New York in Central Park
21. in New York on the Ice Rink
22. outside by the table at the Smoothie bar near Struttin' Styles
(Round 1)
23. in the Mall to the left of the Photo Booth (Round 1)
24. in the Plaza next to Limelight (Round 1)
25. ??? I haven't found this last one just yet but I'm working on it.

1. in the office (Round 2)
2. in the lobby
3. in the garage
4. outside of Meow & Ruff (Round 2)
5. outside in Meow & Ruff
6. outside in Style Eyes!
7. outside in Thrills with Thrills (Round 2)
8. outside in Hats Off!
9. in the Mall in Accessoreezz
10. in the Mall in Rock Out
11. in the Plaza in Picture This (Round 2)
12. in the Plaza in Tropical Gym (Round 2)
13. in Florida in Karma
14. in Florida on the beach
15. in Florida in Kutie & Kuddly
16. in New York in the Parking Lot
17. in New York, past the tree on the right in the Center
18. in New York in Ella Bella
19. in New York in Couture Chic
20. in New York in Wags 2 Whiskers
21. outside of Dynamic Design (Round 1)
22. outside in Dynamic Design (Round 1)
23. outside in Strut It (Round 1)
24. in the Mall next to the Photo Booth (Round 1)
25. in the Mall in Funky Fashion (Round 1)

C.2 Mini-Games
Here is a list of mini-games you can play for fun and profit. If you're
low on cash these can be great ways to earn some extra money.

1. go to Rock Out and Tropical Gym for Posing game
2. go to the Photo Booth in the Mall, Florida, and the Center to play a
Single-Pose Posing game
3. have your pet pose in Meow & Ruff, Kutie & Kuddly, and Wags 2 Whiskers
4. deliver smoothies at the Smoothie Bar
5. got to Ice Crystalz, Cakewalk, Treatz, Bone Appetit, Massimo Pizzazz,
and Poochinellas to play a Treat making game
6. go to Sweet Tooth, Cookeez, Chocco-Latte, and Candy Cabana to play a
Card Matching game
7. go to Dynamic Design or the Tour Bus to design new shirts
8. go to Tropical Gym for a Group Posing game
9. go to Tropical Gym for a Memory Posing game where you have to remember
your opponents pose, perform it, and add to it
10. go to the checkered flag outside of "Meow & Ruff", outside of the
"Stylesville Ice Rink", and infront of the "New York Ice Rink" to
play a skating race

C.3 Movies and Artwork
With your character coins you can unlock movies at the Cinema at the Mall
or the Theater in New York. The movies are:

1. "America Rocks" Intro - the opening FMV
2. Mandy & Kristy - when the Bratz and Your Thing pick their first winner
3. Tweevils On-Stage - first FMV in the ending
4. Go-Go Boots - second FMV in the ending
5. Bratz Chase Mandy - final FMV in the ending

If you head over to the art gallery in the mall or the Center in New York
you can buy Concept Art of:

1. Diamond - Cloe, Jad, Sasha, and Yasmin
2. High School - Cloe, Katie, Kumi, and Sasha
3. On Ice - Maribel, Maylin, Vinessa, and Yasmin
4. Passion 4 Fashion - Cloe, Jade, Sasha, and Yasmin
5. Princess - Cloe, Jade, Sasha, and Yasmin
6. Sweet Dreamz - Cloe, Felicia, Kumi, and Yasmin

C.4 Cheat Computer Passwords
Here are some cheats to put into the cheat computer at the Bratz office.
If you know any more, feel free to submit them to and

1. Sizzln - Unlocks Blingz
2. Stylin - Unlocks Gift Set A
3. Skatin - Unlocks Gift Set B
4. Jewelz - Unlocks Gift Set C
5. Dimndz - Unlocks Gift Set E
6. Treatz - Unlocks 25 pet treats

**Note** the "Gift Sets" are infact the outfit that came with your copy of the
game. Most games came with a free outfit and a password to match.

At the end of the game you will receive the code ANGELZ which will work for
a future Bratz game.

D. Multi-Player Mode

Multi-player mode can only be activated once you plug 2 controllers into the
Playstation. You have a choice of 3 things you can do:

1. Pairz - a match game against your opponent to see who can get more matches.
2. Change outfits
3. Top Trumps - a game very similar to the card game War. You are given a card
each turn with number totals on it. You have to guess which
number on the card is higher than your opponents card. If
you're correct you win the card. You go on playing until all
26 cards are in one players possession.

E. FAQ Credits and Game Copyrights

This FAQ was made to be used at: (IGN) (Game FAQ's) (Bratz Fanz message board) (Bratz Fanz official sister site)

If seen anywhere else ... it was stolen.

Bratz are copyright to MGA Entertainment and Bratz Forever Diamondz for PS2 is
Copyright to THQ.

I just wrote this FAQ as a fan and am not in any way affiliated with either
GameFAQ's, IGN, MGA, or THQ. Thank you and Good Gaming.