About Moi
Hey, people, what is up? I am Kotone-taisho! Nice to meet you! I am a band geek/anime nerd/art geek/nature freak/disney enthusiast/Jesus freak, and I don't really care who knows it, dattebayo! *giggle snort* Yeah, I went there. Well, it was nice to make your aquantance, but now I must go. Kotone-taisho is out! Sayonara! *runs away, arms flayling in the air like Jack Sparrow*

I adopted a chibi!
Master: Kotone-taisho
Name: Rock Lee
Likes: Sakura,Gai-sensei, training, and Me
Dislikes: Gai-sensei haters
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my favorites ones from 'Aizen's' side are Noitora, Wonderweiss, Ulquiorra, and Luppi.
i dont really like Szayel.....pretty much after what he did to Renji and Uryu's insides.. crying
but its true, he is.
my cousin gets annoyed by his deep voice, yet she trys to sound like him, i guess just for fun.
my favorite has always been uryu. hes so.....smart,soft, light, quiet, skinny, and he always has this serious look on his face.....hes so cute!
oh.....and cos hes a Quincy.
And secondly...I don't know! Never been in this position. Are you certain you don't like him that way? Cuz if you don't, you need to figure out a way to tell him before this gets any worse. ^^'
...and that actually has nothing to do with what I came to comment about...
(I was totally right about what happened to Javert when he was shaving.)