
Korpa, that's me.
Well, of course that isn't my real name but yell it in a crowd and I will jump up and down to try and spot the yeller.

I roleplay. A lot. Mm, that's life for me.

I hug people and fall in love very easily and so far I've only been successful once. Well, my time will come again, rest assured! I know I am assuredly rested, mostly at least.

I have a watch without batteries and I don't really complain. Time is troublesome at times. Too fast when it should freeze and too slow when you long for someone or something.
(And one minute is not always a minute. I really don't like physics and I really can't twist my brain as much as I need to.)

I study, for now. I'll do it a bit more later on, I guess. My future isn't really clear.

Oh, yes. I never manage to get enough sleep. Never.


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The life of Korpa

The life of Korpa - Described by Korpa herself!

If you're lucky I might write something funny or meaningful or anything else that has some kind of relevance. But... don't count on it. I'm gonna write about me and my life, that is mostly of importance to me.
