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My name is Kojiro, I am what one would call a broken angel curse to remain sealed away from all of existance. As my punshment I was sealed inside of a hand made doll created as a toy but put on display. I remain there for at least 3 years until, I was suddenly freed by a gently soul, the same as mine. once I was freed I began to walk and fell every time. I was unused to this empty shell of a body. just as I was about to give up that same gentle spirit came back for me. I could not see very well but I do remember there soft hand reaching out for mine. The warmth of there spirit awakened my cold soul locked away inside a frozen shell.He carried me to safety but just like the wind he was gone. I knew it would be a long time before I ever saw him again, so once again I began to walk, felling a few times but never giving up, I noticed as the days went on that I was growing fand of my cold lifeless body. Days, years, and even seasons went by, but I would never change... *to be continued*