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KOETTO「イ松本佳子・まつもと ケイコ」 Kちゃん ♡

Koetto's avatar

Last Login: 02/11/2025 5:16 pm

Registered: 03/23/2007

Location: 森の中で

Birthday: 12/06/1992

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​ 私について☆

I am the one and only me there ever was or will be.」

Bin ich Max<3
Purebred Shithead
+A touch of the 'tism
More neutral than masculine or feminine
Preferred pronouns are "F*ck/You" (((sarcasm)))
(My avi is super cute tho, no?)

~Just a dumb lil' barefooted critter doing my very best~

I'm an a**-end Millennial from the 904 born in the Year of the Monkey.

I spend my time fixing/tweaking my trusty shitbox car, DIY-ing my raggedy old clothes, snuggling with my 2 cats, fixing/building anything I can put hands on, trying to remember how tf HTML/BBCode work, excessively swearing at thin air or reading (+smelling) sum good ol' books.

I gave up on "social media" & am working on phasing out SM apps since 2024.
I reactivated hoping to make Gaia my only online hangout to resist the temptation of turning back.
Slowly in the process of downgrading to a 'dumb' flip phone & going back to DVD/CD/Desktop/wired internet & analog only.

I'm pretty weird but very friendly so don't hesitate to add/message/comment me about anything!

You can't possibly be more cringe than me,
just keep it polite & PG.


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♥「Dir en grey」♥
- - -
|| OG since 3/24/2007 ||
>>If I'm not cringe, I'm dead.<<

☆♡☆♡☆ コ メ ン ト ☆♡☆♡☆

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Kasumi Roseglimmer Report | 02/05/2025 8:40 pm
Oh, I never would have expected that, going by your avatar, lol. Yeah, there are soo many cute and pretty items on here. And so many amazing colour schemes that I want. I found a colour schemes guide recently and bookmarked it. I'd like to dress more cutely irl but I don't feel very cute due to my weight and health issues rn. But I am wearing a rainbow tie dye dress. cat_biggrin
Kasumi Roseglimmer Report | 02/04/2025 10:24 pm
Mmhm, I love pink~ heart Chii looks so sweet in it too.
Oh, thanks for the reccommendations, I'll add them to my list of stuff to watch.
Kasumi Roseglimmer Report | 02/04/2025 8:20 pm
I didn't even know it existed until my friend Alaina showed me her Chobits avi cosplay and then I was like I MUST HAVE THEM! Lol. I might have to ask around if anyone's willing to trade or donate, or take platinum for it. I want the pink and white one most. Oh yeah, I hear Naruto and One Piece are both insanely long anime and manga series. I'm gonna be watching the 2019 Fruits Basket anime over the next few days. Since I'm almost caught up on every rp. I'm aiming to watch shorter series and rewatch some such as Hamtaro and Tokyo Mew Mew. I love both classic and newer anime but there's a lot I need to see and read. I want the Chibi Devi manga in English but seems that they are hard to track down.
Kasumi Roseglimmer Report | 02/04/2025 2:00 am
Me too! I adore Chii. And the tiny laptop persocoms as well. There are no marketplace listings for the bionic daughter items atm but I'll keep checking and maybe ask around.

I want the digital version of the manga since my house is small and I can't keep entire manga collections on my bookshelf. They take up a lot of space. I know there are also sites where you can pay to rent manga to read. But I'd prefer to own them in some format. I also like Korean Manhwa. Or at least the ones I've seen previews of on YouTube. Yeah, me too. I love remakes and reboots. cat_4laugh
Queen of Opossums Report | 02/02/2025 9:51 pm
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is a close second for me!

i watch both once a year atleast
Kasumi Roseglimmer Report | 02/02/2025 9:20 pm
Mm, well, I've been really unwell with this thing, so not much. I haven't been able to do much for a while. Just slowly posting on my rps when I have the energy. I did get given ownership of a pregnancy rp server called Haven Villa on Discord, so that was nice. And I recently got invited to a Gaia centric server but I'm not very active there. I just found out that there are CHOBITS items I never knew about, so I added some to my wishlist. They're called Bionic Daughter. ^^ I love CHOBITS. I gotta get around to reading the manga sometime, the anime doesn't do it justice.
Queen of Opossums Report | 02/02/2025 9:17 pm
my favorite is
Kiki's delivery service.
Kasumi Roseglimmer Report | 02/02/2025 8:30 pm
Hi there, not so good these days, my health issues with my IBS are pretty bad. But I'm seeing a dietitian soon so I hope to get this sorted out! I'm a bit tired today from yesterday's IBS episode. Got to be really careful what I eat and even then... But it's at least cooler today than it has been, so I have my screens open for my cats to enjoy and there's a nice breeze. Hoping it'll rain some more. cat_smile
Sybelle Report | 02/02/2025 12:49 pm
I know it's so fecking hard to keep up in these times. I really hope things pick up for you soon.
I've had issues with ig crashing a lot, too. But I'm only on there really to keep up with one friend who doesn't know how to work anything else. Those reels are addicting brainrot. I wish I could just yeet my phone in the sun but I need it for keeping up with my family.
Sybelle Report | 02/02/2025 12:41 pm
Howdy stranger! Haven't see you on much! How are things going for you?


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Pau230x on 11/07/2024
Dplgangr on 11/04/2024
TigerLilyChick on 09/21/2024
Lycanthropos on 09/19/2024
Sybelle on 09/05/2024
LexiHime on 09/03/2024
Born Sinning on 08/14/2024
ferret badger on 08/11/2024
bermuda_muda on 07/17/2024
xxiihun on 07/08/2024
Waffle King Richard on 06/12/2024
Tsayang on 06/02/2024
Kasumi Roseglimmer on 05/21/2024
Belyc on 05/16/2024
sleepyskel on 05/15/2024
Hemomancy on 05/03/2024
mistymountaingirl on 04/13/2024
The Kitten that Mews on 04/08/2024
tastingink on 04/06/2024


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