Birthday: 08/22
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Expanshan jusue is EVIL!!! O.o
Have U herd of teenage muteant ninja pikle's? they r the new fighting teem. (if u havein seen em yet my cuz probaly didint post it yet on youtube)
YOU HAVE STEPED IN MY DOMANE(have a nice day ^_^)
in 2012 kirby will eat captan falcon then thell both falcon punch echther and the world will explooed XD
I had the best crossover ever whachmen and Xmen. Cool right? Deadpool and Roshack ^_^
don't make fun of Kenpachi or my brother will haet u 4 lifes end and etrenaty (or hollow Ichigo...)
Toshiro is my fav Bleach person (all so yachiru, biyacuya, ichigo, gimmjow and ikkaku) ice ice baby dan na dan na dan na na na...
"I don't care if your a rich person i wuv u ene ways" Duz you lovers say that 2 u? how do u know acters can do loads of thing to get money beware rich ppl... heed my warning...
mystery's? you got one all hear it! many thing have been going on were i live. has your buddy been murdered all hear
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