In life i've learned you have to stand for something or you'll fal for anything
Gender: Female
Birthday: 08/09
Torn apart@the seams nd my dreams turn2tears
Wear your heart on your sleeve, make things hard to believe, I'm not feeling this situation
Enrique Iglesias
Rocks your socks
Enrique Iglesias
is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
i love enrique iglesias!!!!!
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their was once this girl named heather lopez... and their was this girl names alexandria they both always fought and then one day heather broke her leg by fighting with alex alex wuz tough and could fight very good and heather lopez oon the other hand was a stringy haired squid and also a gay lesbian who needs a makeover alex was pretty and a superstar heather lived in a tiny apartment with her day and alex lived in a 3 bedroom house with her mom and dad sooo weeks later after heather leg kind of healed and she went to the doctor alex was setting up her pepperspray and her gun because the next time heather messed with alex alex would kill heather cause she couldent stand heather bull s**t! sooo.... one day at school heather told all of alex's close secrets and alex got her pepper spray and sprayed her in the nose and the eyes ( bbut that was just a warning) because the next time heather messed with alex, alex would kill her
soo... the next day at school heather came to school with a twitching eye and then alex thought to herself thats what you get.. while heather was thinking im just gonna leave alex alone..... and she dident at gym she tripped alex while playing basket ball and her little possy started laughing at alex so alex sprayed them all with pepperspray and after that alex and heather met each other in the bathroom face too face and before heather could say anything booom! the gun shot and now their is no more heather
and THATS why i am telling this story cause in a couple of years it's all gonna happen at high school the same way i told the story.
copy and paster this to 3 profiles and you will get good luck forever and everr and ever
happy birthday??
their was once this girl named heather lopez... and their was this girl names alexandria they both always fought and then one day heather broke her leg by fighting with alex alex wuz tough and could fight very good and heather lopez oon the other hand was a stringy haired squid and also a gay lesbian who needs a makeover alex was pretty and a superstar heather lived in a tiny apartment with her day and alex lived in a 3 bedroom house with her mom and dad sooo weeks later after heather leg kind of healed and she went to the doctor alex was setting up her pepperspray and her gun because the next time heather messed with alex alex would kill heather cause she couldent stand heather bull s**t! sooo.... one day at school heather told all of alex's close secrets and alex got her pepper spray and sprayed her in the nose and the eyes ( bbut that was just a warning) because the next time heather messed with alex, alex would kill her
soo... the next day at school heather came to school with a twitching eye and then alex thought to herself thats what you get.. while heather was thinking im just gonna leave alex alone..... and she dident at gym she tripped alex while playing basket ball and her little possy started laughing at alex so alex sprayed them all with pepperspray and after that alex and heather met each other in the bathroom face too face and before heather could say anything booom! the gun shot and now their is no more heather
and THATS why i am telling this story cause in a couple of years it's all gonna happen at high school the same way i told the story.
copy and paster this to 3 profiles and you will get good luck forever and everr and ever. smile