About meh:
I am Kizarra, otherwise known as Kiz-kun or Kiz, but my real name is Tuesday : ) I am a senior at CCHS. I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world name Jaccob Nordquist. <3 I also have the most amazing friends in the world. They make me laugh and smile and they are always there for me (although none of them have a gaia account XD) I also gots some pets: Babe my cuddly little rabid pig demon of a chocolate lab XD, Niji-kun my fat, fluffy kitty, Cleo my albino leopard gecko, and Taco and Nikko my manical little albino oscars. I love to draw, spend time with animals, and look at/think about body modifications like tattoos and piercings =D My favorite color is ORANGE!! I OWN IT XD I love pretty much every type of music. Except country. O_o I also love South Park and Family Guy lol. And Spongebob! haha. Hmm... I don't really watch anime as much as I used to....or read manga.... and I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to start up on my book again : ( It's called Two Souls and if you wanted me to explain it to you it would take about 3 hours of your life : D I also have a myspace: www.myspace.com/handheldpie so check out my totally tubularly awesome profile and add meh xD So...yesh! I think that's about it (: D)/DREAM AVI D,:
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moving is always fun =D
I hate moving,.
im in the process of moving out on my own o.o;
It's been a while Kizzy :U
whats up?!
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