me?wanna 2 knoe 'bout me?hurm...im from malaysia & noe 20 & still study.
(diploma civil engineering )year 5.
what else?
I love 2 make friends. And would love 2 know more about Malaysian. This by adding a lot of malaysia to my profile.
I also wanna 2 wishes anyone at another places 2 be my frens.liked.
If both of u wanna 2 know me so closed can invite me at YAHOO MESENGGER (ym) teddyjess_03@yahoo.com
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cer mu buat profile mu kek GAIAHOLIC.com...
bnyk sket bckground cntik....
Spesel fren tu akak tukar aa yg Aca456 tu jadi kite sbb kite la Aca456 tu .
demo naik ngan kawe . basir, mat, chah kerete diaorang .
alright .
ku mahu kau tahu engkaulah dalam ingatan