Hey there!!! Welcome to my profile!! ^w^ I would love if you add me. Love you guys!
3nodding 4laugh whee i love cats, pokemon, facebook, pokefarm, vocaloids and lots more! If u want add me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >-< ^-^ XD. I also accept most random friend requests!
I adopted a chibi!
Name:Hatsune Miku
Loves: Leeks,Kaito,Singing,Dancing
Dislikes: Rin
want to adopt one

This is my dream avi
Total Value: 29,287,600 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
PersephoneBlue Dark Elf Thigh BootsWinter DancerPerky MelodyPerky MelodyPerky MelodyPerky MelodyPerky Melody
Total Value: 2,142,592 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Beat GearHappy MelodyKitty SlippersKottan BellHappy MelodyKottan BellLover's AnarchyThis is also one of my dream avis

Total Value: 2,533,044 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Cherry BlossomMagical GirlBeat GearBlushing Dancing PrincessesLover's AnarchyLover's AnarchyKottan BellHappy MelodyHappy Melody This is another way it could look like
Total Value: 79,665,099
Human A PotionAria Dannata (Encore: Playwright's Silky Hair)Loving Manner (milky)Volant Reverie (Exquisite Boots)Princess of the Heavens (Dress)Wandering Maestro (Songstress Sleeves)Energetic Plantimal (Hat With Sunglasses)
Human B PotionPrincess of the Heavens (Pouty)Butterfly Jab (Hair)Rosamund's Passion (Layered Overskirt)Blushing Light Charmer (Corset)Daughter of Snows (Sashenka's Farewell Sleeves)Detached Demoness (Lingerie and Heels)Sakura Blossom Hairpin
Hai~ yum_puddi

FC: 1306 - 6745 - 8340

Princess Manner
Candy Cat
Volant Reverie
Mellifluous Cantata x 2
Ebony Spiked Wings
Melodious Cantata
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I love your adopted chibi :'33
I love your adopted chibi :'33