
Hi! Welcome to my profile.
I've been on Gaia on and off for several long years now, and no matter how long I may go on Hiatus I always find myself coming back here for one reason or another.

I'm 23 years old and just finished living in Australia for 4 years - I'm now back in Flordia (woo...). I spend my time writing and running my clay shop on Etsy.

I love video games and 99% of my free time is spent on World of Warcraft, League of Legends or playing Pokemon. If you play too, send me a message!

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I make and sell gamer accessories and character models (like this) at my store The Tall Grass, look for me on Etsy!


Wanderings and Thoughts

Just some little things here and there.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 3:11 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

Did you just say "Mate" ??

Lawl, GanOfWu is going to luagh.

Don't you stay in florida?
Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 3:02 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

Ooo ooo oooh Do a killer clown!
Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 2:36 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

Awh, i'm not that cold.

It's just really fun to scare people in general, call me a noob.

You should do a Halloween costume.
Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 2:05 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

Awhz, lol it was funny.

You were all sitting down.

Then i asked you if you liek klownz.. xDD

You said no. Then i said i leik your avi.

xDD Do you leik minez? Then i jumped out of the tree.

Oh my god you jumped.

IT was awesome. xDDD
Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 1:56 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

xD That was precious. You so jumped into that tree.

I rofled so hard... I almost droped my laptop.
Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 1:03 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

5 barton 001005
Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 12:59 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

How about we meet in the towns?

Theres something i want to show you.

-hides smile-
Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 12:52 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

Ahh, So where in the towns are you?
Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 12:48 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

I'll probaly try and find one with Shadow the hedgeHog. . . Because he ownz. And so does Mephiles.


Kitsumaru Yamato

Report | 10/11/2008 12:33 am

Kitsumaru Yamato

I dun kno..

I'll go tektek another one.


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I make and sell gamer accessories and character models (like this) at my store The Tall Grass, look for me on Etsy!