Last Login: 10/15/2024 5:41 am
Registered: 03/21/2006
Gender: Female
Location: Alabama
Birthday: 12/24/1990
Occupation: Waffles, shiny things, this computer screen, cosplaying, caramel, pie....
v****a Bat
v****a Bat
Does whatever a v****a Bat does
Keeping the v****a Bat Alive since 3/21/08
Master List of All my Friend Codes can be Found Here
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Hope things are going great for you.
were excited now, hopefully we can get up the money cause we pay bills the 14th lol
once again, i'll keep you on the up and up if anything happens or changes; kk?
And i'm excited to meet cha! biggrin we shall have epic girl time (with a gay guy as a tag along for bag holding and such razz )