- Favorite Movies/Anime
- Anime shows I like : Negima Uta Kata School Rumbel D.Grey Man Black Cat Lucky Star the melancoly of Haruhi Suzumiya Soul Eater Eurka Seven Kanon Moon Phase and others~
- Favorite TV Shows
- Glee and That 70's Show :D
- Favorite Reads
- Mangas I like : Negima CardCapture Sakrua Moon Phase Galaxy Angel Nephylm the melancoly of Haruhi Suzumiya Kitchen Princess Yotsuba&! and others~
- Favorite Music/Bands
- The young veins Panic at the disco nevershoutnever The Killers Lady Gaga The Frey Black eyed peas Run kid run trading yesterday 30h3 katie perry and lots more
- Hobbies/Interests
- I draw play an instrument soccer diving
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