About me:
Hi! You can call me Shelly. i like to draw. and i have a big brother thats so ahead of me at everything it kinda wants to make me kill myself (um...well not really) check my stupid big brother out his name is somethin like isquirrelz. so ... yaz
neutral (And the worst part is that he has a LOT of money and won't give it to me)
gonk haha nvm
whee Anyways, I'm slow at typing and pretty slow at thinking and don't notice stuff thats in front of me so If i seem weird it's SOOO natural
3nodding so anyways recently I have a thing for bluish white ( cupcakes are nice :3 I have a sweet tooth rather than a salt one)
xd but yo don't get meh wrong I like other colors like pink the oh so stereotypical girls color ( which its not! Guys that wear pink are awethem) Xd well yea pink and black too they go together don't they?... no? oh well
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I never really feel tired until late at noon though, I wake up just fine, aside from the standard groggy state you get when you wake up.
My teachers see jibbles for words regardless of what I'm feeling like since I have terrible handwriting.
As for the weather, it's sunny. As in, stay at home with 3 fans on you just barely clothed sunny. So yes, a little hot, maybe. xD
This year has gone by pretty fast, hasn't it? It's strange. I just hope it chills out once we hit vacation.
Funny thing, I was wondering about you the other day as well.
As for how I'm doing, I'm pretty good as of late. I'm no longer swamped with homework and the like, so I get time to myself, with friends, and I also get to work on independent studies.
How about you? How have you been? I hope you've been doing great yourself. ^^
My haireth be black, not white lol. I wonder what would happen if I died my hair white (kinda cool maybe?).
I have laurels. don't forget them, mate. Oh, if you could somehow get my pandy pack into the picture t'would be vury nice. Other than that, pretty chill.
Hair is pretty chill and nice. If you could only show that in black and have grey shading to show off the hair texture, that would be cool. Only few things you missed...
THE EYE. Why the hell is the eye looking so determined and nice... Have you ever watched INVADER ZIM? Watch an episode and try to imagine if Zim had eyes like these.
Something cynical and mysterious, not outright and boisterous. On my right shoulder is a bloody flesh wound.
Despite your faiyerrr... GOOT JOB MATEY. High five. Do you have a tablet? If you could digitalize your drawings, you could make hella profit on gaia.
Yes you.
You should totally make me some avi art, no? ;D
Screwin around, chillin lol. You can't kill teammates and it's pretty easy... red vs blue.