Hey people!
This is me! I'm a big flirt >w< I listen to heavy metal, Rap, Hip hop. Yea i like songs but sometime not the people that sing them. Im a texting freak. I do get in fights but not very often. I have a sister. I live with a family that means the world to me. If anything happend to them, I'd die. emo But all of them are healthy. I laugh alot. I whatch alot of comedy. I hate showoffs, and preps. I love gun! heart I like to do science. I love strawberrys and pickles. I do communicate alot also. If your a hacker or a hater, You really don't want to get involed in my life. So thats all I have to say about myself! Peace and respect!
This is me! I'm a big flirt >w< I listen to heavy metal, Rap, Hip hop. Yea i like songs but sometime not the people that sing them. Im a texting freak. I do get in fights but not very often. I have a sister. I live with a family that means the world to me. If anything happend to them, I'd die. emo But all of them are healthy. I laugh alot. I whatch alot of comedy. I hate showoffs, and preps. I love gun! heart I like to do science. I love strawberrys and pickles. I do communicate alot also. If your a hacker or a hater, You really don't want to get involed in my life. So thats all I have to say about myself! Peace and respect!
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