Hey Little Lady!! Hi & Welcome BACK to this silly Crazy place!!
I been ok...not working...looking...hubbie not working...looking...having Faith something will break for us soon. filed for a program to have the house payment made for us while we're on unemployment so that's good. I might work for the Farm Team of the Houston Astros...the Jethawks of Lancaster! That would be a HOOT ot a part time job! & get to see Games!!
missing my g.b.f. a LOT...guess he finally outGREW me! he's busy with school. arg & cry.
Ride my bike for charities still...and for Fun.
Happy Baseball Season started. Watched the Dodger Home Opening Day yesterday & they WON! my FAV Andre Ethier hit the Game Winning Home Run...on his 30th Birthday! YEA!!
How YOU been? Happy to "see" you! heart4laughheart
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I been ok...not working...looking...hubbie not working...looking...having Faith something will break for us soon. filed for a program to have the house payment made for us while we're on unemployment so that's good. I might work for the Farm Team of the Houston Astros...the Jethawks of Lancaster! That would be a HOOT ot a part time job! & get to see Games!!
missing my g.b.f. a LOT...guess he finally outGREW me! he's busy with school. arg & cry.
Ride my bike for charities still...and for Fun.
Happy Baseball Season started. Watched the Dodger Home Opening Day yesterday & they WON! my FAV Andre Ethier hit the Game Winning Home Run...on his 30th Birthday! YEA!!
How YOU been? Happy to "see" you!
heart 4laugh heart