Hi Stalker

maarq on 06/16/2024
I-Wolfspit-I on 06/12/2024
Sunset Sarsaparilla on 11/23/2023
Mithmel on 10/22/2023
starrbutterfly on 09/24/2023
Fluffy Floof on 09/18/2023
Balearic on 09/09/2023
BAKA-LOBO on 09/06/2023
xStep Bro on 09/02/2023
Mirage The Hell Hound on 08/27/2023
Bear McBear Bear on 08/26/2023
Twinky Dave on 08/25/2023
sirreenoms on 07/23/2023
kids killing kids on 05/14/2023
emiiwee on 05/14/2023
Lovers_Hearts on 04/08/2023
heypoorly on 04/01/2023
Kim Seungmin on 03/17/2023
Dwarlin on 03/16/2023
Windy IV on 12/14/2022


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maarq Report | 06/16/2024 12:36 pm
Hey you, whats up
lMuncHl Report | 10/01/2023 7:48 am
Im Jay, and u are? sweatdrop
Balearic Report | 08/30/2023 12:30 pm
Yeah that's cool. You do make nice avatars whereas I pretty much stay the same all the time lol. But since I don't quest anymore that's expected overall.
Balearic Report | 08/29/2023 9:46 am
There's nothing really to come back to though, at least for me personally. Most people I ever knew have left and I've just been focused on other things that I find more interesting. As I say though I do check in but that's about it.
Balearic Report | 08/27/2023 7:15 am
You're right I'm actually no longer actively playing like I used to. I still check in on things though even if it's just for a few minutes at a time each week.
Balearic Report | 08/26/2023 8:51 am
Do you know the reason why? My bad by the way I know I haven't spoke in a long time but I didn't forget you. That's how I noticed.
Balearic Report | 08/18/2023 6:15 pm
Did you lose your account but then get it back? The last time I visited I wasn't able to view your profile. It let me visit now though.
NO12EMPRESS Report | 08/16/2023 6:25 pm
maarq Report | 06/24/2020 10:17 am
heart heart
glad your boobs got bigger lol
Dampy Toons Report | 06/03/2020 4:53 pm
Dampy Toons
Come baaaaack heart
Rito Village
Dampy Toons