A-2-Z About Me Survey by
bamachic49 {---Basics---} Name: nick
Nickname(s): khw, nickle pickle, (and various swears lol)
Age: wouldn't you like too know
Birthday: April 27
Birthplace: does it matter?
Current Location: seriously does it matter
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: tall enough
Weight: 155 and getting lower
Lefty or Righty: righty
Zodiac Sign: taurus
What Do You Drive: ripstick
Screen name: kingdomheartswiz
{---Favorites---} Color: pistachio cream
Number: don't have one
Band: i like many bands
Music Genre: metal / japan pop
Anime: soul eater
Movie: oh lord who knows
Kind of Movie: anime movies are da shiz
Cartoon: pfft none of that crap only anime for me
Sport: sport? what is this thing you call, sport?
Fast Food Restaurant: kfc
Food: macaroni and tomato soup (don't bash it till you try it)
Ice Cream: mint cookies and cream
Cereal: special k / cheerios
Candy: almost anything with chocolate and peanutbutter or mint "drools"
Drink: vault
Alcoholic Beverage: i don't drink alcohol
Quote: "silence is golden, duct tape is silver."
{---Do You---} Have any siblings: not by birth but i think of philph as a brother ^_^
Have any pets: yes one
Have a job: no but i'm looking for one
Have a cellphone: no
Have any special talents or skills: what do you think?
Have any fears: I HATE ******** SCREAMERS
Have a bedtime: no but i make myself go to bed at 9:30 so i can wake up the next day lol
Sing in the shower: yes
Want to go to college: yes
Get along with your parents: yes
Have any piercings: no
Have any tattoos: no
Smoke: no
Drink: not alcohol if that's what you mean
Do Drugs: no
{---Love & All That Crap---} Ever been in love: yes
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
Are you single: kinda
Are you in a relationship: working on it
Do you have a crush on someone: maybe "runs away"
Ever been dumped: yes
Ever dumped someone: yes
{---This or That---} Fruit or Vegetable: vegetable
Black or White: black
Lights On or Lights Off: off
TV or Movie: tv
Car or Truck: car
Cash or Check: cash
Rock or Rap: rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
French Toast or French Fries: french toast
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: both XD
Winter Break or Spring Break: winter break
Hugs or Kisses: kisses
{---Have You Ever---} Danced in a public place: yes
Smiled for no reason: yup
Laughed so hard you cried: yesh
Talked to someone you don't know: all the time
Drank alcohol: yup at my dads wedding
Done drugs: no
Partied 'til the sun came up: yup every weekend
Gotten a ticket: well considering i don't own a vehicle lol
Been arrested: nope
Been convicted of a crime: no
Been in a wreck: no
Been out of the country: yes
{---Random & Silly Junk---} Are you a virgin: yup and proud of it
Ever TP'd someone's house: no (but i want to)
Ever egged someone's house: nope
How many languages do you speak: 1 working on 2 and learning spanish in school
Who do you compare yourself to: phill
Ever regret anything: yeah a bunch of things
Do you like being tickled: only by friends and really close family like my mom and grandparents
What are your goals: to own a restaurant with a stage in it for bands and karaoke where i can preform and cook at the same time. as well as have two little girl's and a wonderful wife
Are your fingers tired: no i'm used to typing alot from all the rp's i do
Are you tired of this survey: no it's fun
Are you happy: duh I'm online aren't i?
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I will talk to Forrest about re-moting you!