Killer Budgie

Killer Budgie's avatar

Last Login: 05/21/2013 1:42 pm

Registered: 06/08/2007

Location: Two steps ahead of you

Birthday: 12/25/1988

Occupation: Switchboard

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About Moi

My name is Kat.
I've been on Earth for 23 years.
Photography helps me function.
I'm a professional switchboard with a college degree in telling you what to do.
I drove nine hours to see Rammstein in concert.
And I am the quintessential INTJ which means you'll hate me.


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What Everyone Else Thinks of Me

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Nia Phoenix Report | 08/19/2012 6:07 am
Hey Star Wars fan! I belong to a Star Wars Guild that's just getting started. Interested?
Dez Melon Report | 05/04/2010 2:33 pm
Sonic Candy Report | 01/13/2010 10:03 am
Hey. Thanks for buying in my shop. heart The Emperor's New Groove is one of disney's greatest movies.

Peace! ~ Sonic Candy
KH_eternal_blessing Report | 12/27/2009 7:50 pm
Hey Budgie!
Happy late birthday!
Sarahmooo Report | 12/07/2009 9:52 am
How have you been?

Atrocitiesss Report | 12/03/2009 11:59 am
You don't know me, but I'm leaving a comment for you ninja

You have beautiful birds. <3 ^_^
Sarahmooo Report | 11/10/2009 2:54 pm
Hey x3
How are you doin?

lLady lHawk Report | 09/06/2009 9:41 pm
Opps She has Done it Again... eek Britney Spears Everytime? Why do I like this song?! blaugh
psalmist_of_symphonies Report | 08/27/2009 5:39 am
I'm doing pretty good, super busy though hahah I can't believe how busy I am. nor can I believe how many friends want to take me out to see a movie when I'm supposed to be doing homework! AHCK! XD I'm atleast ONE chapter behind in every class XD so yeah..... reading is what I'll be doing today! what kind of job do you do?
BassPosaune Report | 08/24/2009 9:33 pm
Kat! I saw on dA what V did of your avatar smile yaay!