kikiii DDTank

kikiii DDTank's avatar

Birthday: 07/20


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Hey everybody!!!
My name ist Tutu (well, my nickname blaugh )
I'm half chinese & half vietnamese, but I can only speak vietnamese.
I live in Germany 4laugh
I can speak vietnamese, german & english. I also learned latin.... -.-'

how i look like??:
well small....... *sob* only 1.62 m
asian O.o => black hair (ehm... i'm not sadako sweatdrop ),
brown eyes ,got glasses/wearing contacts.

hm... what can i write... thinking... idk.
If u still got questions 'bout me, then just ask!!! =D



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xMichikoxTaylorx Report | 02/21/2012 12:22 pm
Thank you so muchh!!<3 I love you toooo
Abelard The Eclipse Report | 02/10/2012 12:08 pm
Abelard The Eclipse
Ahh, who are you again?
Arphilles Report | 11/17/2011 2:00 am
oh yeah! I just noticed that one too!
on Greed Island, he seems to have a much more gay voice than the old one.
Arphilles Report | 11/16/2011 2:01 am
I agree with you!
My brother told me that the new version cuts some cool moves of other characters.
Arphilles Report | 11/15/2011 3:28 am
Hey! I'm good. you?
really?! OMG biggrin we're Kurapika Fans!! heart heart
haven't watched the 2011 version though.
The old one seems to be more detailed so I watched that instead xd
oh and thanks biggrin
ribbon-viiichen Report | 10/31/2011 10:46 am
wie geht dieses blöde wolfsspiel? ich verrecke da die ganze zeit
ribbon-viiichen Report | 10/30/2011 8:18 am
wo ist das nochmal?
ribbon-viiichen Report | 10/30/2011 8:12 am
was machen wir?
ribbon-viiichen Report | 10/29/2011 7:25 am
wir spielen morgen ok? ich muss jetzt los smile bis dann~
ribbon-viiichen Report | 10/25/2011 1:43 pm
hey ^^ ja war letztens on smile bin meistens on wenn ich zeit habe und hier gold sammeln will haha hatte kein geld um dir auf die sms zu antworten hehe uuund cooles profil biggrin bis dann~



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