Response:1 SPONGE BOBBLE LOL hes got a point about those jap commercials their like amped up to the extreme! "Like what in the Hell are those Japanese putting in those chicken nuggets!?" "That's scary screaming, it's almost demonic" *Demonic kid's laughter*
Response 2: Yeah I hear ya about the lazy part, im not going to lie to you to. Sometimes im about to post and im like .....meh don't wanna think. And yes E.P.I.C posting is awsome!! =D
I know. He's completely taken over. There's not a place in the world where you CAN'T see him. And do you remember the flash artist Egoraptor? Well, he has this new hilarious video that's up. Check it out!
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and kk
Response 2: Yeah I hear ya about the lazy part, im not going to lie to you to. Sometimes im about to post and im like .....meh don't wanna think. And yes E.P.I.C posting is awsome!! =D
Sarabi is Swahili for Mirage which was exactly the power I had in mind for her before I even gave her a name! Awesome!