Hello, As you can tell my name is kiba (haha jk) actually its Michael but i love kiba from wolfs rein but my new fav and sexy anime is Code Geass...very enticing.
Love my friends know them long and they have know me long even tho most of them have quit or ignore me (tears).
Well when im online most of the time but not responding im usually Drawing, playing xbox, or the dreaded Senior year homework *p.s. Class of X (10)*.
I am a very nice person, very generouse with my items....give most of my friends help when they need it...like if there close to an item but 100k away or so ill pitch in 50k or so depends on item.
i have been asked how i make money so fast and to tell any questioners or that... umm basically i watch the market; buy items when there low (and i know what to buy) and then sell in a week or two and make 30-70k profit before they drop again.( you must know how well the item will react to others and how enticing it is and this works 95% of the time i messed u once or twice so far.)
Well thats all ipretty much am putting so far if you have any questions about me or about anything else i will give my best answer and i welcome questions with open arms. =D.
these entries i will do everyday about what i do on gaia.
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