About Me (And other stuff) -私についてで

C'mon, read my story "Kinesis! - 動き力"
That is the prologue, there are many chapters after that, and I'll keep writing!


And! The above picture was taken by my girlfriend one morning, it was friggin' annoying. Now she sends me a picture saying, "Chrissy baby, look what I took while you were waking up!"
SON. OF. A. FISH. And with a CAMERA phone TOO! >=O
Time to riot.
おいぃ!ここにいるは、僕が喜ばしいだねぇ。 じゃあ、僕は日本語話せる,分かった?!
Hey, hey. Japanese fluent here, Korean aspiring (Korean = favorite language, that and Russian), Martial Artists (#1 in 15-17 Fighting and Weapons in the USA!!)
Love my 'lady-friend' Stephanie, call her every night (or the other way around). Love soccer, and above all fighting more than anything. I've got some sick bruises all over me and I love it xD
Hrm, uh, well, I'm Greek mixed with some Black (or Italian or somethin', don't know). Teach Japanese at a university here in Indiana, decent artist, been playing instruments for years for years.
Well, find out the rest yourself! 分かったあほ?!
In my left eye, I'm color blind. Don't judge me. xD I'm not sure if I was born that way, but if I was, I can only remember it taking affect in my older years, like when I turned 9. If I hold my left eye closed, I can see color. If I have both eyes open, I can also see fine. If I close my right - black and white.
Get this: my doctor said it's COMMON among boys! Bull!

Ack! This is the whole reason I joined Gaia. I've been a Martial Artist ever since I was so young. I gotta achieve this.
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What does TKD stand for?
The food is hot
Other than the food, I don't really like being mexican
Ugh, I don't get along with the other mexican girls at my school
I think its fun xDD
We got to like Level 15 so far together xD
COD5 is okay xD I got addicted to the nazi zombies partt. xD
AHahah, psh, i'm jealous.
Everybody knows i'm mexican
I'm doing okay, Just got up actually o.x;
I'm about to go play some COD5 though xDD
How're you? xD
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