Dude, really????? Are you SERIOUS?!!! You haven't been a member on Gaia a good, what, two months and you've already broken ToS Rule # 4 Section B? If you haven't read the ToS like everyone else, I'll give you a little heads-up of what it says so you won't make the same mistake again.
4. Prohibited Conduct -- BY USING GAIA ONLINE YOU AGREE not TO:
Section B: send, post, or make available pornographic, threatening, embarrassing, hateful, racially or ethnically insulting, deceptive, tortuous, defamatory, libelous, or otherwise inappropriate or offensive content to other Gaia Members;
evilevil And before you continue to go around Gaia's Art Arena and FLAME other people's artwork, why don't you post some of your artwork in your gallery 'cause its emptier than an old west ghost town. I don't care if you just started out on Gaia, you're not tenured from the ban-hammer of the Mods if you do decide to break EVERY rule, sub-rule and guideline down to the last period. You keep it up and you'll end up getting your account and IP address banned!
P.S. I do hope you go and apologize to Naomi_red on what you said for her artwork, 'cause what you said was highly uncalled for on so many levels.
Oh, and one more thing. Here's the link to the ToS page if you need something to keep you in check.
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4. Prohibited Conduct -- BY USING GAIA ONLINE YOU AGREE not TO:
Section B: send, post, or make available pornographic, threatening, embarrassing, hateful, racially or ethnically insulting, deceptive, tortuous, defamatory, libelous, or otherwise inappropriate or offensive content to other Gaia Members;
P.S. I do hope you go and apologize to Naomi_red on what you said for her artwork, 'cause what you said was highly uncalled for on so many levels.
Oh, and one more thing. Here's the link to the ToS page if you need something to keep you in check.
Click It. Read It. Heed It.