ういーっす。안녕.Kenni here! I'm conversational in Japanese and Korean. I want to become a translator, eventually an interpreter (although I can do a little of it realtime awready, practice practice! ^.^). and an animator. While my art still needs work (shameless plug! http://kennimnida.deviantart.com ;D ), my language skills are definitely decent.
If you like Teen Titans and roleplaying, come check my friends and I out at: http://teen-titans-go-guild.proboards.com/ !
We're an active, friendly Teen Titans RPing site that began on Neopets of all places. xD Seriously, the three pmajor onlien phases of my life can be summed up as Neopets > GaiaOnline > TTGGuild~
I've been on hiatus here forlikeeeeever, but I thought I'd hop back in from time to time, maybe even RP again, and catch up with old friends here on Gaia.
물론, 한국어를 말하고 싶는 분들하고 꼭~ 이야기를 하고 싶습니다. 여러분 친절하게 이야기 할까요? ^^
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日本語わむずかしいですね~。근데 이제 히라가나와 카타카나를 읽을수있으니 행복해요! 아직 갈 길이 멀지만...
피곤하고 힘들지만, 원래 건강한 사람이라서 빨리 회복할 수 있을 것 같아요.
요즘 잘 지내세요~?
Thanks much! PM me sometime, or something :]
I had fuuuns tonight.