
hey my name is Kelsey lynn. my bestfriend’s are jmc, agc, bjs, rah, krml && jld.... i can talk to them about anything.(i love ya’ll) here’s what I believe.. I’m not perfect. My hair is not always straight. I spill things && I am very clumsy. My friends && I sometimes fight. && i might say stuff that I don't even mean. && sometimes nothing goes right. But when I think about it && take a step back I realize how amazing life is && that just maybe I like being unperfect. But for once I want someone who will love me unconditonally, for all my faults && all my qualities. Someone who will take me as I am. I've made mistakes in my life. My bad choices don't mean im a bad person. It just means that once I use to have bad judgement. But I have thought about everything && Im wiser now. Yes people have there opinions. They like to shake there heads & judge me. They like to talk & whisper and wonder. It use to bother me but eventually I learned not to care. Because this is my life and im the one living it. Your not, so try stepping in my shoes & see how you like it. I have learned to stand up for what I believe in latley. Even if it means you end up standing alone. When there's something you want fight for it. Don't give up no matter how hopeless it seems. Even when you've lost hope. Cause years from now your gonna look back && wish you gave it one more shot. Because the best things in life don't come easy. And if life is even giving you a hundred a reasons to cry. Give it a thousand reasons to smile. But nothing last forever. Life goes by to fast to waiste it being sad && depressed every minute of your time. So live it up. Drink it downn. Laugh it off. Avoid the bullshit && take chances. If it changes your life let it. Nobody said it be easy but maybe it will be worth it. && never have regrets. Because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted. But never give up on anything. No matter how hard things get. Because you will never know what you have untill its gone
[[a few short facts]]
let me just say i'm a very simple person.
i blow the candles out on October 28th. [[15 years young]]
i fall for guys to easily and get hurt.. but still want to be with them.. i don't get it..
i enjoy scrapbooking; reading; and watching romance movies;
love the music. {{country; pop; gospel; etc;}}
i'm addicted to facebook.. :]
love the friends and family.
obsessed with buttons. i collect them:]
addicted to him.. 3
Anyways if you are on my gaia page you probably know me but if not and you have any questions just ask.. i'll answer if i want.. (ha ha just kidding i'll answer..)peace >0

I've adopted a neko!
Name: Mattison
Likes: people, animals
Dont like:liars && backstabbers
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