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cAll mE kechik cat_3nodding

i'M 16 yEaRs Old ,,, cat_surprised (totally old)

I hAvE 3 SiBliNgS... All is gUy cat_sweatdrop i'M tHe OnlY GiRl iN tHe FaMiLy !

i'M FroM MaLaYsIa...

iF u MaLaYsIaN, pLeZ tALk MaLaY wiTh mE.. WHY ? (u know the reason) cat_rofl

i'M sTill heart SiNgLe heart ... tHaT mEaN, i'M nOt MaRriEd !

I hAvE 10 cUtE KiTtEn cat_xd , with 3 mom~ THX GOD!

tHe TrUtH iS i'M kiNdA ShY PeRsOn.. aNd, i OfTeN BLuR aBoUt SoMeThInG.. cat_razz

I LovE mY cOuSinS ! cHuu~ emotion_bigheart

mY BFF iN rEaL wOrlD doEsN't liKe tO pLaY kInD oF tHiS GaMe... sHe ofTeN wAtCh YoUTuBe n DoWnLoAd SoNg... (all about korean)

i'M nOt iNteReStEd aBoUt aLL oF tHaT... SeRioUsLy, wE dO nOt hAvE mAnY LikEnEss... bUt sOmEhOw wE cAn gEt aLonG aNd bE BeZFriEnD...

eRm, i HaVe fRiEnD wItH hEr SiNCe i'M 6 yEaRs oLd...

wEll, aCtUaLLy i'M sTiLL LooKiNG fOr a NeW BeZfRiEnD tHaT haVe tHe SaMe iNteReSt wiTH mE...

emotion_yatta HUH? iT iS nOt WrOnG tO hAvE mOre ThAn 1 bEz FriEnD.... RIGHT?? emotion_yatta

BUT! NeiThEr U NoR mE,, MuSt ReMEmbEr,,, tHat,,, We cAn OnLy HaVe
User ImageONE sPeCiAL FriEnD
User Image

gaia_angelleft LOLI MARIOSSA gaia_angelright
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Total Value: 7,701,588 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Rosamund's Revenge
Rosamund's Revenge
Rosamund's Revenge
Seelie Order
Fay Cervidae
White Delight
Modus Operandi
Modus Operandi

emotion_bigheart PINK VERSION emotion_bigheart

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Total Value: 198,517,499 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Enchanted Book 10th Gen.
Little Lucie
Wintry Kisses
Sweet Charming Blush
Le Carousel
Astra XIV: Sakura Breeze
Daughter of Snows
Sugary Wings
Cream the Kitten
Runcible Spoon
The Cherubic Queen of Solair
Noel's Gift

emotion_kirakira BLUE VERSION emotion_kirakira

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Total Value: 7,414,904 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Albus Egg
Presto Rabbito
Dice Bunny
Rose Dame de Demoiselles
Raven's Deceit
Midnight Rainbow
Astra-XXXVIII: Snowy Winter
Enchantress of the East
Keionpanku Style
I, Gradient
Forlorn Wordsmith
Devoted Spica

cat_rofl MARIONATE cat_rofl

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Total Value: 211,093,444 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Compass of Seidh
Asmodeus' Wings
Patches the Pup
Band of Bremen
Ashen Marionette

pLz HeLp mE, pLz HeLp mE, pLz HeLp mE, pLz HeLp mE,

YAY~ I LOVE U ! 4laugh

p/s: those dream avi is mine. emotion_bigvein SHUT UP! n make ur own! emotion_bigvein
*juz click on my dream avi n click the link given (dun worry abour the warning)
then~ gud luck designer~ cat_4laugh