to know me is to...dunno...haven't figured it out
Hmm...about me... Well, I'm not one who goes around talking about myself, so this might not be too long. I like lots of things related to Anime, games, and art, including cosplay. I make my own outfits, so if you'd like to see some of them don't be afraid to ask me to show you!
I don't like narcissists, they bother me. Eh...anything else you want to know, just ask. That would be easier for me anyways.
I love hugs! 3nodding Give them to meeeee!!!!!
oh! If you can't tell, I'm a furry too! o3o
And yes, I'm literate. If I feel like being stupid and talk liek dis, that's my choice, not my habit. I'm sure you've figured this out just by reading things here in my personal space. Have a nice day. ;3
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I showed to to Rose and she likes the bottom part, then I tried it on, wow was it long! eek
I might have to shorten it a bit, if I have too will you be ok with that? sweatdrop
Thanks for giving up your lunch time to have that mailed to me, and thanks for putting the note in there! razz
I do hope you get to feeling better, *fluffs a pillow and put's it behind you, puts the cover up* twisted
Goes to make some soup and grill cheese for you! xp
Thanks again sooooo much!
*hugz* emotion_hug
How are you and Snorlax? emotion_hug
Glad you got something that you like and i really hope it goes where you want it to go for the business! razz
I do miss having our talks and seeing how your life and things are going, I also do like checkin on you too! twisted
How are you ladies doing? I hate this hit and miss, wished we could get on here of FB and just chat, I miss our talks and hanging out sorta speak! twisted