I am the one formerly known as bO_Ogieman2. Yes it is the very same user, just with a different name. After her sudden and tragic murder by a hacker unknown, her soul came back and continues to live on in me. Her rotting corpse still lingers in Gaia's walls. She is now but a legend that lurk within our memories. Her legacy will live on! Rest in peace bO_Ogieman2. We will miss you. *A moment of silence* Now who wants pie!?!? biggrin

My favorite color is ORANGE.
I love to talk.
I'm extremely indecisive. Or am I? Maybe? I DON'T KNOW! D:
If I had a super power, I would want the ability to fly...or to summon food at will.
I know more about Harry Potter than I do about American history.
I'm horribly and unfortunately gullible.
I love faeries, and I really do believe in them. (I do...I do...)
I love yellow roses.
My astrological sign is Gemini.
Spinach is delicious. (ok, that's more of an opinion)
I need music in my soul.
I always keep a notebook and a box of mints with me at all times.
Nature is my church.
I have an obsession with eyes.
Technology hates me. No really, sometimes I wake up at night and my computer is standing over me with a knife.
Cosplay is my drug.
I have a Sharpie fetish. No I don't sniff them...mostly <_<
My last name is the name of a town in Poland.
My great grandfather was from Transylvania. (no joke)
I love to walk barefoot. Socks are EVIL!
I'm a hippie at heart
and yes...
I do hug trees <3

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I'm on your profile....
How have things been for you, of late?