Okay, so it was totally time to redo this effing thing. The monster that it was got on my last raw nerve.
I could tell you all the normal crap --> I'm 5"2 and 19 years-young, I live with fibromyalgia, I'm a devout Neopagan, I live to make art, I'm an Aries, I can be shy, I consider myself an occasional writer, I love watching old movies, I've become a pinterest addict overnight, etc... You get the picture.
But that's boring. So, I'll try to fill this space with good things, like my current musical loves, cause that's always good.
smile RP sites I run:
Look me up if you decide to join. My usernames are Cecily Rae & Etain Saule on Haven and Amelie Manon and Maria on Elysium.
Current Musical Obsessions:
--Florence & the Machine
--Of Monsters and Men
--Jesse J
--Grace Potter & the Nocturnals
Oh, and there's this one chick, Brooke Fraser, whose album I can't listen to enough. There's one particular song titled "Flags" that speaks to my soul.
I s'pose that's all for now. Send me a message or look me up on zOMG. :3 "Merry ye meet, and merry ye part 'till we merry meet once more!"
Love from,
~Tektek me? Draw me? Donate? I promise I'll draw you back!~
I want YOU to RP in Haven Village.
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