Yay Me :D
Hiya my name iz Hunter and Im 16, my birfday iz December 20 and Im pretty short
whee (5'1'') I love to draw and listen to muzic
mrgreen I love a lot of scremo bands and other bands it would take way too looonggg to tell you all of them. Im not very stable I trip over flat sufaces but my frandz still
heart me. IM NOT SANE~! you have been warned
3nodding I also have the epic ability to kill people with spoons and other stuffz
xd My best frandz namez are: Tyler(BF
smile heart ) Marcus, Hopey, Jenny, Ciara, Emily, Chelsie, Tre, Jason, Megan, Shalen, Brandon S., Austin, Kiya, Dylan. And Hopey, Jason, Trevor, Shalen, and Ciara all have gaiaz
mrgreen I also ride the short bus, Megan haz 2 make sure i wear my helmet but i don like wearin it, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LICK THE WINDOWZ~!!!!???!!!!
stare Teehee welp if u wanna know other stuffz just PM me
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