About Kitsune The Immortal (WannaBe)

I am 20, love anime and hanging out with my sister (namichan86)!! I've had this account since 2006 and I love it!! Im a big clutz and SUCK at gaming but love doing it anyways!! heart

I also love cats, fish (especially dolphins), butterflies, rain, orange juice, Clamp, days off, chilling at home, gaia, swimming, TIM BURTON, going to movies, milkshakes, green tea.... and ENGLISH VOICE ACTORS!!!

I have also recently fallen in love with the God of War games, Avatar the Last Airbender, Hetalia, and The IT Crowd!! Oh-Oh-Oh!! I also just saw Despicable Me, and its reeeaally cute!! OH, and I just got my Learners licences, and within a few days I smacked into a bush!! LOL!! heart

I just want to mention that i dont really like the Twilight series or Justin Beiber either, im not an overly "girly-girl" and while im still a teen, these topics do not interest me.

A friend of mine chykka_nekovampiress has opened an avi art shop!! Her prices are very very reasonable and her art is great!! Please go have a look!!!

Things I Wish to Attain!!

My Sishies!!

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

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LexiHime on 06/24/2020
yukai_mara on 05/17/2020


kawaiikitsune92's avatar

Last Login: 05/16/2020 6:28 pm

Registered: 10/19/2006

Gender: Female

Things Imma Wearing!!


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I do not accept random friend requests anymore, however, if you send me a message or comment, we can see where it goes!! I dont bite!! Honest!!


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Bby Alley Report | 07/24/2017 1:58 am
Bby Alley
Hi! Please take a look at my store and buy if you're interested in anything 3nodding Trying to save for wish list! Tysm! heart
yukai_mara Report | 06/23/2012 3:17 am
My landlord works as an IT guy for Chrysler and makes good money. He keeps saying he has no money or time to fix our apartment. He makes good money at his job and has all the income from his nine properties. He has multiple duplexes so he has lots of money coming in. He's just being cheap and causing us problems. I think we should report him to the city for not keeping up maintance on our building. He would have to fix everythin not just the couple things we want him to. I usually only lend my things to my best friend. Though I did lean a game to my friend from the States. I have a lot of CDs. I trust my cousin though I don't trust my cousin's boyfriend. -huggles- I hope it gets better soon. I'm pleased to hear that. I hope it works out better this time around. I'm not sure what that is but I hope you have lots of fun. ^_^ My brother likes playing minecraft.
yukai_mara Report | 06/19/2012 10:04 am
Our landlord has not only been ignoring the problems with our house he keeps filing evictions papers on us trying to get us out. Last month he filed papers saying we owed for May and June of this year. He can't file for a month that hasn't happened yet. Because of him we are three months behind on most of our bills. We're struggling to catch up. Our landlord owns 9 properties and complains that he doesn't have enough time for them all. Oh god. I just got back a case of CDs I let my favourite cousin borrow back in January and most of them are in horrible condition. I wanted to cry. God I hate her boyfriend so much. I know he was the one that did it to them. I've been stressed due to the problems with our landlord. But other then that I've been fine. How about you?
yukai_mara Report | 05/16/2012 4:21 am
I hope you get a new water tank soon. What we need a new roof desperately. It's in horrible shape and I'm starting to fear that it's going to collapse at some point. We thought we had a pretty good landlord but we don't. We gotten into a fight with my cousin who lives downstairs. We ended up taking the mailbox we were lending them back and they were..extremely angry (I was going to swear for a mometn there.), and called our landlord. She said told him that we were doing all these things but all the things she told him we were doing she had been doing. He believed her over us and ended up scolding us. We're were so mad. I agree though not everyone else does. When ever I see finger prints on my DVDs and games I get violent thoughts.
yukai_mara Report | 03/13/2012 9:40 pm
I would imagine it would have. Our previous landlord (They sold our house so new got a new one.) had to replace our water tank. The old one kinda died and we needed a new one. My grandma lives in the downstairs apartment now so if it comes down to it we can just go and take a shower there. It is human condition but apparently she has some issues. I get so annoyed when people go through things in my room. I can tell when they've been in there. It freaks my younger sister out that I can tell. Don't tell her but it drives me crazy when my best friends leaves fingers prints all over my DVDs. I don't mind lending them to her I just wish she when clean them afterwards. I have no idea why someone stole the DVD without the case but someone had done it. It was so strange. Though I won't go on a rampage as long as my Hetalia doesn't go missing. my sisters don't care. It's all about them. Yet again, I am so sorry for taking so long to reply.
Goosies Moosies Report | 02/27/2012 10:37 am
Goosies Moosies
Awww thank you so much! You're too sweeet! heart heart

Captcha: marry me

PolkaDotLily Report | 02/20/2012 1:32 pm
I will check it out today ^_^
PolkaDotLily Report | 02/18/2012 6:58 pm
ya,i want this staff called spring wayfarer's staff,but no one has it up on the market place,and the only way to get it is to have 116000 tickets or some crazy number like that.but a bow is a good idea too.i'll take a look.
yukai_mara Report | 02/15/2012 11:18 pm
Ow. Falling on the vacuum would hurt. Like I said I only got the one. All the other ones I got disappeared. It's so weird. It's like I can't have scars. We trying to avoid not having to fill the bath tub. We started going to my grandma's to use her shower if we can't use our's. It's much easier that way. We've always had that kind of stove. Though I'm still surprised that she didn't learn after the first time. I learned simply by watching. I think I got off lucky there. My family has sticky fingers. My dad keeps wanting to get more locks. We really don't trust each other...at all. Something goes missing and we know somebody else has it. I don't like people going in my room when I'm not there. I mean two of my DVDS have gone missing. The cases are still there but the disks have disappeared. I think I know who has them but I can't prove in unless I go visit her but I can't stand my middle sister or her boyfriend. It is easier. And you can get into more..detailed stuff with being embarassed that everyone can read what you wrote.
Eluelfu Report | 02/07/2012 5:03 pm
Thanks me too!



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