I swear, I didn't slap you. I highfived your face!
Last Login: 04/18/2011 3:29 pm
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Likes heart
Kawaii things
emoticons biggrin ninja
Japanese style things
drawing anime
cute, nice guys
reading good books
being happy
day dreaming
foxes of all sorts~
bright colors
playing on gaia
my friends
hugs (>'-')> especially when you really need one <3
shopping (when I'm in the mood)
being nice ^-^
making new friends
being unique (some would say wierd)
food and eating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all folks heart
Hates 3
creepy things
scary movies
being bad at singing
when people make fun of my friends
school (blah!)
people who like steriotyping
racist people
sexist people
being mean (unless they diserve it!)
when my friends fight
losing a good friend
when people talk about me behind my back (I always know)
when people are jerks just to be jerks
perposely annoying people
people who don't want to understand anything
Rap songs
when people make fun of music I like
When grownups act like babies '3'
yucky stuffs
when people obsess over something and then talk and talk about it... ugh!
when my friends are sad... sad
the dark
when I cry at sad movies in front of a ton of people
when things die cry
Arrogant people
Thats all folks <3
I love myself,
I think Im grand...
I go to the movies
and hold my own hand
I wrap my arms around my waist
And when I get fresh,
I slap my own face
A friend of mine wrote this
The freshmen girl, oh so shy
sits and watches the sophmore guy,
The sophmore guy, head in a whirl
sits and watches the junior girl
the junior girl, in her red sedan
sits and watches the senior guy
The senior guy, crazy and wild
secretly loves the freshmen child
my page dedicated to friendship
My Skittles! Go taste your own rainbow!
I am quite the fangirl... sweatdrop
The only personal information I ever give out on the internet
is my age. No one can stalk me just cause they know mah age.
I love hot guys (and hot anime guys heart )
I am a pathetic fan girl at times
I think cosplaying at anime places would be fun
I really love drawing heart
I am not gay just because I like rainbows. I
just like cute things and bright colors.
I know a girl who's a lesbian though and it's not good
to make fun of gay people.
Do not send me PMs that have racist/mean
comments and do not be mean to my friends.
I love random PMs and friend requests
if you will be nice and don't try to get personal info
out of me. I will not hesitate to report you to a
moderator. I like making friends who will stay in touch
with me. Otherwise we're not exactly friends. I can
understand if people are busy though.
True love is the only thing money
can't buy. Now that you know, you can start
saving up for something better bitches!
I hope the bright colors on my profile make your eyes hurt!
I heart my friends
I do swear once and a while but I'm not
a bad person because of it. You people who say
I am, grow up a bit. It's a part of life
he is trying to open the door
The best things in life are not things. They are friends like these C=
Everyone wants to be happy.
No one wants to be in pain.
But you can never have a rainbow
without any rain.
Nothing is as it seems
If we all knew who we were
would we be living our lifes the same way
If we could stare into the deep ocean
of the your mind and notice things
that we never knew before
If we could see what each one of us
was thinking
Would we ever like each other
Do we know what happens to us in the future
Can we stare In and open ourselfs to what isn't there?
Do any of us understand?
I don't believe so
So you people who think you know
just listen and be quiet
You don't know
you never will
and once you think you know
the image is snatched out of your head
and you suddenly remember
nothing is as it seems
<-- Just like meh! jk
One of my favorite singers is Nana Mizuki.
She is a popular japanese singer and she has voiced
characters from anime T.V shows. She has also sung
the theme songs from a lot of animes.
I really love writing heart heart
I want to get a book published in a few years because I
recently started writing one. It might be a while though sweatdrop
Think possitively:
All the people you hate
will eventually Die smile
"Life sucks, then you die."
~From Breaking Dawn
A Little... Well A Lot More About Me
Find out what magical creature you are
Find your Celestial Choir
Be very careful if you make a woman cry.
Because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man’s rib.
Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal.
Under the arm to be protected,
And next to the heart to be loved…
You soooo wish you were me
psh, totally
Send a hug to a friend!!! Copy and paste this message to
a pm or on a profile comment (if you can think of another
way than go for it!) to show your friends you love them!!
find out the type of fairy you are
What type of Fae are you?
Hall Of SHAME! Only very mean people
go on this list. They are people you should stay
away from. When I say mean people, I mean horrible
taunting, bad language, wont leave you alone MEAN
Status= Still empty. You're
all being good little Gaians!
I have three cats:
Mittens (boy)
Ruby (girl)
Blueberry (boy)
They are my friends too!
Yeah, Yeah whatever....
I know your just jealous of my mad ninja skills...
Quotable Quotes!!!!1111one
"Straws are my favorite things... besides
pigs and kiwis..." ~My bro, Mushroomcap
"Isn't it wierd how slaying always makes you
hungry and horny???" ~Faith, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"Oh she was talking? ...sorry, I was
lost in the sandwich." ~Aaron (a guy I know)
"What the frick!? Sorry, excuse my language. I meant to say '********'" ~my friend, Carly
"Thank you, The Universe." ~Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender
"Fear me!" ~Scarlet Dust Rose
I swear, I didn't slap you. I highfived your face!
Hi peoplez!
To the
your just one
to a
your the
Rosario Vampire! Vampre princess Miyu!!
SLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VAMPIRES! FTW!
I heart Vamps.
I can speek French. Francais C'est Gangster. Lolz
I love getting hugs
and giving hugs!!!!
Fer Shure
Wanna Bet?
Yeah yeah...
if I talk
Or laugh
Too loud
It's because
I'm Trying to
Forget that
I'm sad
I don't run from you,
I walk away slowly
and it kills me
because you've never
cared enough to stop me
I dont like you!
I'm sorry
I'm her evil twin!~ :cute:
Kawaii Rainbow chan!~~~~
Girl: Slow down, your scaring me!
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not please slow down!
Guy: First, tell me you love me.
Girl: I love you, now slow down!
Guy: I love you too. Now give me a big hug.
She gave him a big hug
Guy: Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself, its bothering me that your head's not protected.
In the newspaper the next day there was an article that said a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that his breaks were broken. He didn't want the girl to know about it. So he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that there was a chance of her living even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love copy this in your profile.
Embrace Individuality
When you're bored look at sparkles
and be entertained for hours!
It never fails!!!!!!!
I'm shiny, be jealous~
See! Chocolate's not that bad for you!
Love Ya All~ Hope You Enjoyed my Profile!
I like good luck!