
karli1998's avatar

Birthday: 04/03


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II Pr33tI BoI Swaq II Report | 07/22/2009 8:00 pm
II Pr33tI BoI Swaq II
Ok this is a message to inform you about the party on friday this is an invite only a few qet this so show up it
will be a two day party yes two days so dont be mad if you missed the first day but whoever shows up the first day
will be qetting a item or qold so you probaly would want to show up the first day well lets qet to the qood stuff
the first day of the party which is on JULY 24 2009 which is friday will start at 4:30pm and will end at anytime
and will be at the VIDEOlounge ok the link is (((we will not give the link out till firday)))
so yeah and i still need segustions on the music so hit me up if you have any ok but for right now we will be
playing LILWAYNE,DRAKE,JERMIAH,DREAM and other hip hop artist if you have any song you want me to play hit me
up or pm whatever send me a message ok and we will be hosting a raffle we will have two winners each day we will
doing alot were gonna set it off ok its qonna be funn ok so show up AND sence if you live in a diffrent time zone just show up anytime

oh yeah and the second day of the party will be hosted sometime next week or this week we have to see about the
arrangements make sure to show up its qonna be funn alot of people will be there and were qiving away ITEMs ok
contace me if you need any info

and you are now officaly part of the v.i.p exclusive party club

and ssend me a message so i can add you to the party list okk and ill put the first person who send me the message
saying your coming will recive a prizze



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