Inside My Twisted Little Mind
What can I say? I don't know what to say or where to begin. I'm a tomboy. Kaorii is the name I use on the internet. I'm a tomboy who was raised by a US Marine so being prim and proper has never been something I've done. My whole life I've been the one who came home covered in mud. I'm a mechanic, a model railroader, an airsofter, and I play guitar. I don't really know what else to say.Model railroading has been an interesting new thing in my life in the past 5 years. I thought toy trains were just that, toy trains. My then best friend turned b/f turned fiance, turned hubby was a Garden Railroader and sucked me into a hobby of fine details and and fun operating sessions. it's become my most favorite past time, next to playing baseball and video games. Everyone has a hobby they love, this is mine. I'm also big on railroad photography.
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