P.S willing to trade for top 2 questing items on my wishlist so plz help if u can :3
Birthday: 10/09
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my awesome gaia sisters they are fun to be around and if anyone who hurts them will pay with there lives
my gaia daughter hurt her and u die
the twins
the love birds and my gaia best friends hurt them and i hurt u
my awesome friends in real life hurt them and ill kick ur a**
cool gaia friend
gaia brothers
my best friend on gaia^_^
awesome girl on gaia hurt her and i kill u
awesome dude on tektek
awesome gaia twin sisters
my gaia sons
lady plum the awesome warrior friend
these 2 are siblings and awesome friends in rl hurt them and u will wish u never even lived to see the light of day
awesome girl on gaia u hurt her and i incinerate u
pet bird trident she rocks so dont hurt her or u die
wolf pack
they helped me get the ancient katana and night's shadow u hurt them and im kicking ur a** to an oblivion u wish had never existed >:o
awesome ppl i care for and would do anything for :3
wolf sis
gangnam buddy!!!! ^w^
awesome gaia mom ^.^
best friend
2 awesome ppl who got me not only 1 gift but 3 for my birthday-hugs them both a million times-
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I'll even sell it for a lower price if you want.